Shawshank Redemption, which is so underrated. Just watched it last weekend for the 1st time in years.
Shawshank is really underrated. A great movie to watch. I really like Lock, Stock & 2 smoking barrels. Great movie. All that dry British humor. Rock N Rolla is pretty good too.
Haha, she has a new movie coming out soon - I saw a preview of it when I saw the new HP, it's called "Jennifer's Body". It looks absolutely terrible, but you know TONS of people are gonna go see it - heck, i'll admit it, I'm planning to see it. :giggle:
Lots of good ones being added here that I've forgotten about :thumb: Some others I'd like to add would be Blood Diamond and Shooting Dog's. Both shot on my home continent, Africa, and both being loosely based on actual events. These 2 (more so the later) always help me put my own situation into perspective and make me realise how fortunate I really am
Ghostbusters. not really my all time favorite. But for some really odd reason, the ghostbusters theme song is playing on the radio at work right now.
I've seen a few new ones since I've last posted in this thread... Knocked Up is hilarious, I laugh my ass off every time I watch it. Ocean's 13 is entertaining, it's on HBO way too much though so I've seen it probably like ten times. Casino, the first time I saw this I thought, meh, it's basically the same as Goodfellas, however, I've seen it a few times recently and thoroughly enjoyed it. I honestly think that Robert De Nero is smoking a Marb Red in EVERY scene that he is in :cig:.
The Shawshank Redemption is a clear favourite of mine. Also, I very much like Rom Coms, current favourites being Music & Lyrics, Notting Hill, and The Notebook as well a When Harry Met Sally which has long been a favourite of mine. Enigma is another brilliant film