Wolfgang Füzion Carnauba Polymer Concours Wax

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by FMINUS, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. MAKDaddy626

    MAKDaddy626 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I can't wait to hear your take on the high dollar waxes. I completely agree with you about whether they add much over a cheaper quality product. I'm glad there are people that enjoy collecting waxes as we'd probably never see reviews on those super-high end waxes otherwise but am truly looking forward to hearing from someone that seems to fall closer to myself in terms of what "value" is with a wax.

    If a $500 wax made enough difference that people would look at my car and, without knowing what was done to it KNOW that something out of the ordinary was there, I'd consider it, but if it takes a "trained eye" to notice the small nuances I'll probably stick around in the "cheap" 50 - 100 dollar range.
  2. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    Polishing or a LSP is kinda like modding your car for extra HP. Getting from 300 to 400 is fairly easy, 400 to 500 is even more expensive and that last 50 hp to get you to 550 cost you mega bucks. Similarly, that 200 wax (Concorso) looks awesome and to get just a little extra depth or wetness that some won't even notice cost you another 300 bucks (Mystery). Is it really worth it. Only "you" can answer that.

    Just like polishing a car. I can get it looking pretty awesome in 4 to 6 hours, but to get those last few RIDS out it could take me another 6 hours. Is it worth it? Most people won't even notice those last few swirls unless they scrutinize it in the garage under the flourescents.

    It is all a personal choice. A matter of priorities. Do you see that little extra nuance or glow as some people describe it. Does that Zymol scent make you feel that much better than Mothers or Poorboys while you are waxing? Everybody will have a different answer. Everybody is going to draw that line at a different location.

    I think I would have maybe bought Mystery instead of Concorso "and" Concours but again it is a matter of preference and some may like trying different waxes over just getting the most expensive one they can afford. When I spoke to the Swissvax rep he did tell me they have a money back guarentee so the good thing is if it did not satisfy you you could get your money back. That or you could try selling it on here.
  3. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

  4. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I thought the EXACT same thing when I saw these.. nearly glowing cement.... surely the optical enhancements done have a lot to do with how the car looks in the pics
  5. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    Say "cheese".
  6. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    you know..I was wondering why my eyes hurt looking at the pics..I have a 24" LCD and they are bright ..I just looked again and your right....look at the door shot you see a marking line in it from the pavement..but look at the pavement and its so bright you see nothing....all colors are washed...Marketing

  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    The pics were taken at a different times, when you look at them closely, in one picture the tires are dressed, in the others they are not.
  8. MAKDaddy626

    MAKDaddy626 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Of course it's marketing... I just can't make up my mind whether I feel they crossed a line or not. I agree the photos have almost certainly been tweaked to get the appearance they wanted but part of me thinks that what I'm reacting to (negatively) the most is that it was poorly done. Look on Zymol's site for instance and they have pictures taken of cars that presumably have their products on them, but while not "cheap trickery" I'll bet that they had them professionally made with an expensive light set-up to get the look they wanted.... Is it ok if it's expensive and well done and wrong if it's cheap?

    Sorry, just thinking out loud... or not really out loud... any way, you get the idea ;)
  9. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    You guys can't be serious... it is brand new cement in the Florida sun... I don't think it is possible not to get the cement washed out in these conditions. Also, Meghan's ride does not appear anywhere in the AG.net page, where the products are sold ... which defeats your Marketing claims.

    Let's pull up other photos from the DFIII w/ the new cement (not asphalt!) causing camera issues (http://www.autogeekonline.net/detail-fest-3/):





    I think you get the point.... why do people always think of the bad stuff and make accusations right off the bat before they even try something?
  10. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    It is not MARKETING. Stop fooling yourselves. It is weak garbage nonsense to ram an underdeveloped and over-priced product up your rear end without you knowing..

    Its one thing to make your products look their best for a photo. Everyone does it. It's another to use Photoshop to make a visual art (detailing is one) look as you would like. The product they are selling is a finished product. They are attempting to make a finished product look different by using a digital image alteration tool. They are saying, "Here, look what we did, buy this wax", but they didn't! Take Business Ethics...

    If you were purchasing art work and the painting arrived at your home and looked nothing like the photo you saw on the Internet, you would be on Channel 2 with Arnold Diaz screaming "Shame On You" in a second. It's not nice to do to people. Especially the newbie people they attempt to make their "friends" through the Geek forum.
  11. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    Every one of those shots is SERIOUSLY over exposed Budman3.

    People use that over exposure to make their work look different. Its pretty common from two guys on Autopia.

    Come on now, do you really think that Blue Subaru looks like that live? Its not right to do to people.
  12. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    those pics are pretty blinding. but, who knows
  13. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Ok..I just looked at a ton of pictures...and alot from different people look the same as Ed's..it may be due to the super white cement throwing the color balance off in the bright sun...seems alot are washed out..or alot suck at taking pics like me....so to me i do not think they were enhanced but more like incorrect exposure ...something like that...

    was it a marketing ploy..I do not hink so there either...I am sorry i said it ...I myself have read a lot of details by Ed who did meghans car..and i know he does great work...and i do not hink he would stoop low to pawn a product off...

    but I will say this..The Fuzion still sounds like CG's 50/50 wax..not that they made it..but the descprition and make up....will have to see reviews later down the road...not that I care...I am not a real wax person...except for collinite and Meg's 16 and a few CG waxes..they get dirty to fast for me in New England...lol....

  14. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    I cant get my shots to get that overexposed. Look how deep and dark my black paint is. So glossy and reflective. Not nice....Look at my house, look at my plate, look at my wheels!!

  15. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Ok..I finally had a chance to try the new Wolfgang Fuzion wax and I must say that I like it. I find that it is very similar to Pinnacle Souveran in looks and ease of use. A little goes a LONG way and it goes on like melted butter.

    It looks fantastic and is very close to Souveran. Very reflective and crisp. I would take pics but my car is sitting in the garage right now. You wouldn't be able to tell a difference anyways with pictures.

    If this wax has the durability of Wolfgang sealant with the looks of Souveran I think we have a winner. :mounty:
  16. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

  17. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    The product could be the best thing since sliced bread and shoe laces.
    Photshop tricks, if used to deceive, still aren't cool.
  18. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    OMG!!! You sound like a bunch on kackling old ladies!!!!! Shut up!!! Either buy the wax or don't.... who cares how they market!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  19. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    Maybe you should make up your mind ... I think it's clear that the pictures were not photoshop tricks (which would have been intentional). Yes they are skewed because of the cement, I didn't take the pictures so I don't know if anything could have done to prevent this from happening. So continuing saying that they were doctored in PS is simply BS. Reserve your opinion until you actually try the product.

    Al- I agree with you 100% (with the exception to CG and #16, never tried them)
  20. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    Like you AL I don't think Ed would do anything to his pictures. Lighting plays such a big roll in how pictures come out. Using different lighting really changes a way an image comes out in a picture including the paint on a car. It does not mean you used an image inhancing program after the picture was takin but you can adjust the lighting to enhance the picture before you even take it. A lot of people have commented in this thread that pictures are not always a true representation of how a object really looks. Take pictures of the same object outside at the same location at different times of the day and the colors will look a lot different. I would take it a step further and say that different lighting also greatly affects how an image looks to your own eye. The color of an object may not change but the way it looks to you certainly can.

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