Wolfgang Füzion Carnauba Polymer Concours Wax

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by FMINUS, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    Phil, are you talking about the Detailing Crazy Club???

    :shead: Carlos, are you congratulating me for going crazy or for getting the wax???
  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    lol..well maybe a little of both my friend :lol2:

    You have to be a little :crasy: to spend that kind of money on a wax :rollinglaugh:

    But seroiusly, I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on these two wax's :hug:

    Besides, if you don't like them I know of other guys that would pick them up from you :thumb:
  3. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    hmm... thats a though one.

    waxes- I dunno..... none, hence why i am sti buying them...
    I have some GREAT waxes but each lacks something... ohh wel im in search of the holy grail

    Congrats on the purchases. please let us know how you like it....ohh and if you dont find it to your likin remeber you can alwats sell it

    I agree a product should be jugded on its results not its price, however price is always a factor. If a wax is 5g for 8oz the chanhes of trying it are less then one thats 175... thats all
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Before this gets messy, I'll post this as a public warning.

    You can challenge anyone’s point of view/opinion ect..ect..but you will do it in a respectful manner.

    Having said that, challenge all you want I'm going to stay away from it as much as I can, but as soon as I see things getting out of hand and disrespectful I will intervene.

    You have all been warned now. So if you have any respect for the forum and for me please follow my simple rule.
  5. dengood1

    dengood1 Birth of a Detailer

  6. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    Well said Carlos, there's certainly no need to be disrepectful to any forum members.

    I think most of my posts have typos in them. Most of the time I'm thinking one thing and typing something else. It's like my fingers have a mind of their own. I'm bad at not reading over what I have written before I post it. If you see where Ihave edited a post it's usually where I went back and fixed typos. Sometimes I read back what I posted and think to myself what the hell am I typing.
  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I'll leave the spelling discussion where it is, but CONGRATS TO GARY for making the jump to waxes will silly prices attached to them.

    Here is what I'd like to see...

    I'd love for you to prep one of your vehicles, then add your current favorite and moderately priced wax to the paint. Sit back, observe, take pics, do whatever you need to do. Then strip that wax at some point and add on your new Swissvax or Zymol and do the same exercise. I'd love to hear the results!!!
  8. DieselMDX

    DieselMDX Obsessive Detailer

    i have used other waxs but wait till u use concours/concorso the depth/wetness is LEAPS ahead of anything I have used

    bad form on the typing comment
  9. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    I'm not sure a congrats for buying expensive waxes is in order. If I would have not recently won $950 I doubt if I would have purchased them. I really don't have high expectations for them. I kind of just brought them for the hell of it. At least it will be fun to try them out.

    I'm sure if a vehicle is well preped the difference in between Zymol Concours or Swissvax Concorso will be very insignifiant if any compared to some good waxes like Collinite 915 or Poorboy's Natty's Blue that are a fraction of the cost. On the recent detail of my Viper, I think it looked just as good and maybe even better after polishing it then it did after I applied a sealant and wax.

    To be honest I do feel like I'm a little crazy to pay that much for a wax. At least there are some people on this forum who are crazier them me. You guys know who you are.
    At least it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the craziest person on here.:headbang: At least that's what I'm telling myself. Yea, I feel much better now. :thumb:
  10. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I think you summed up my sentiments quite well Gary. Often times, I cannot tell the difference between toppping a vehicle with P21S, Pete's '53 or Lusso Oro after doing a good polishing. I find that they are all very good waxes at prices I'm comfortable paying. The only difference for me is the way they bead and the amount of time they last.

    For me personally, Pete's '53 is still one of my favorites. Very hard to beat in value.
  11. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    P1et, I just got a tub on Pete's 53 and CG 50/50 on a CG's order I received the other day. They are now in rotation of new waxes to try along with the concours and concorso. I just purchased the SV Concorso from Phil at Detailer's Domain last night so I actually don't even have that one in my hands yet. I have had the Zymol Concours for a few weeks now but I have yet to try it. I expect all 4 of those waxes to look very good and none of them to look much better then the other. We will see.
  12. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    so which car are you going to try them on? ohh and are there going to be lots of pics? cumon garry, we needs pics :D:picture:
  13. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    I bet you are gone like SV concorso! I know I do!!
  14. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    I have not really though about it Calgary. My black Z06 could use a fresh coat of wax. Here's the color cars I have:

    Metalic Burgendy
    Off White
    Dark Metalic Silver

    Match a wax to a color. What do you think???
  15. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    black no question about it... i think your waxes will show best on black
  16. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Gary...Black... Yellow and RED...you know I like RED and Yellows....so they will look good on them...lol

  17. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Zymol on black, swissvax on red and 5050 on yellow :D YEAH BABY!!
  18. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    The black and red are going to show the best results of the waxes. I have Mystery on my black vette and it did make a difference over the cheaper priced waxes.
  19. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    Thanks guys!

    I like your attitude Ketil. :thumb:
  20. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    all this wax talk i think its time to start sniffing my waxes:popcorn::applause::applause:

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