What else do you wax?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Spyral, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

  2. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer

    I buffed with Menzerna Micro on the Cyclo our bathroom sink top and it looks good now. It is some type of resin product I imagine.
  3. richy

    richy Guest

    I use ONR to clean the sinks and my shower is an ongoing test bed for the durability of sealants....you want to see how long they last..put a coat on. I wash the shower with car wash soap and an old wash mitt. that's also the only use my cali water blade sees. I mentioned before about XMT360 on the ceramic stove as a finishing coat...it rocks.
  4. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I use PB APC and an Autozone wheel and fender brush on my shower, really gets into the grout. I don't have dishtowels, I have MF's. I am thinking of taking the DA to the shower doors.
  5. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I tell you, I am kind of surprised no one answered with, "My carrot" yet..lol

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