Underrated products

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by kaiten408, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    Prima Amigo and Prima Hydro. Actually all Prima products.
  2. kaiten408

    kaiten408 Jedi Nuba

    How is this compared to Blitz? I imagine at the right dilution ratio they should be about the same, if not stronger.
  3. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    I have never used Blitz and you do not dilute 1Z deep plastic cleaner. Blitz is there APC to totally different products Deep plastic cleaner is made for cleaning treated leather and plastic. I have not found anything better for treated leather or plastic cleaner yet.
  4. udmbrian

    udmbrian Virgin Detailer

    Cquartz. I am not sure why people still use wax?
  5. kaiten408

    kaiten408 Jedi Nuba

    I've never used a coating, but can understand why people love them. However, I enjoy the process of applying sealants and waxes and stripping down the paint and re doing it every so often. But that's just me.

    Adding to this list though on underrated products:

    303 Vinyl/Fabric remover [concentrate] - This product, and it's pre-diluted sibling 303 Cleaner & Spot Remover, really impressed me recently. Simply spray and scrub with a brush, vacuum and let dry. This stuff has gotten out every stain I tried it with, including mold stains. The concentrate can be diluted down to 1:20/1:30 to make Cleaner & Spot Remover, but also full strength if necessary. And it's cheap, a gallon cost me about $30.

    DP Max Wax - I haven't been able to test long term duability, but this was is damn nice. Reminds me a lot of Pinnacle Signature Series II, goes on/off really easy and smells great. Price point again is awesome, normal price is $40 but I got it for $25 on sale. You can layer it as much as you would like to, which is always nice for me.
  6. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    Klasse line. The first product we ever sold. Yes the sealant can be a PITA if you apply it too thickly but once you get past that it is still one of the most durable products out there!

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