B&S white pad cut confusion has been discussed before. The b&s white has different cut descriptions based on the pad size. The 5.5" white pad is described as a heavy polishing pad. IIRC, the 4" white pad is described as an "ultimate finish" pad. 4" B&S Chart Foam Pads 4" Dual Head Foam Cyclo foam pads durafoam cyclo pads foam pads for the cyclo buffer 5.5" B&S Chart flat foam pads, flat foam buffing pads, car polishing foam flat pads, DA foam 5.5" pads, flex foam pads, pc foam pads, megs g110 flat foam pads, 5.5" detailing foam pads
The above is right but dont be afraid to swicth things up. M205 with yellow.... powerfinish with yellow.... PO 85 with green etc. You will be suprised how varying pads and polishes that dont normally go hand in hand can work wonders on certain finishes :thumb:
I have the 4-in white cyclo pad and it is very very soft so it is the ultra-finish. Cyclo pads are buiff and shine. I have 4-in green, blue, and orange.
Thanks for confirming this Bunky. I always thought they had the incorrect information on their website. Auto Detailing Solutions had the wrong 5.5" B&S white pad description for the longest time. I had to email them several times about it.
Two different kind of foams. The 5,5" is made of Euro Prepolymer Foam ans the 4" is made of Reticulated Polyester Foam.