Super Towel from stocktowelsnow arrived today

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by mrgolfrider, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Im pretty sure they are the same. What was you bad experience?

    As to washing them separately... I was stupid, yes the towels will perform the same except now they look off :p I think its just me being anal about it. The yellow towel however was very good, I think its more than good enough. That said, I'm going to order 2 dozen soon.
  2. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I basically was only able to use them on paint once, after a few washes they felt so rough that I did not feel safe using them again. I followed all the washing instructions and have been washing all my microfibers this way without any problem. I called CG and ordered a few more just to give it another shot and it happened again and have talked to others who had a similar experience. This was a few years ago though so they might have changed. If they work now, maybe they are worth another shot!
  3. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    my only concern is that the blue is too thick/soft and wont remove grippy LSPs like RBOE/Mig Primo (using short nap side) ?!?
  4. Atom Bomb

    Atom Bomb Two Bucket System Washer

    Anyone try their Waffle Weaves? Good on price on a lot of 12...I need some new ones :)
  5. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    i ordered a sample towel, havent tried it on my cars yet...ill report back soon
  6. Atom Bomb

    Atom Bomb Two Bucket System Washer

    Awesome, let me know :). I'm driving down to NY next week for the week and was gonna ship it to my cousin's place if it's worth it :)
  7. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

    I wash all my Stocktowels together and they never bleed!, blue, green, yellow ,red and ww
  8. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Yep I have several they are great! I use them for windows!
  9. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

    i have the small blue waffle weave towel and while it's not bad, it's a little to rough for my liking...
  10. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    I finally used the towel I received yesterday, it worked as exptected and feels just like a CG 550 in hand.
  11. Audi2.7t

    Audi2.7t Two Bucket System Washer

    (i still secretly think they are CG 500s lol):applause2::applause2::applause2:
  12. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    yep +1
  13. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I just ordered a sample WW. I wonder how good it will be... we'll see. :)
  14. Atom Bomb

    Atom Bomb Two Bucket System Washer

    Just ordered a dozen ww and dozen glass towels shipped to my Aunt since I'm heading to the states. Will report!
  15. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    I had the same thing with the red ww fromstocktowelsnow bleeding and stained my great white(now great pink) . weird cuz i have other red towels that never bled . all in all though the red ww was the worst towel iv tried by far . its really rough too like red autozone shop rags . it also didnt absorb much and just streaked the water when drying . maybe i got a bad one . washed in microrestore.
  16. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    That is a shame the WW isn't as nice as the one I received. Being new like that and bleeding doesn't surprise me, but being so rough sucks. Hopefully some others will chime in and give their opinion on their WW sample they ordered. I washed mine again yesterday and it still feels great and still bled like a mofo.
  17. dschia

    dschia Jedi Nuba

    My WW sample feels soft actually but also bleed, it does feel rough when wet but some other popular ww I tried also felt as rough so i thought its normal.
  18. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    it seems like it may be the one i got is bad . i am comparing it to my pakshak ww and dd ww . Both of them feel amzing ,soft and absorb a ton without leaving streaking . Both of those also dont bleed but ones white so it cant lol . IMO there is a major difference between those 2 and the red one .There is a big price difference between them though so not sure if its a fair comparison
  19. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

    I only use WW on windows!
  20. Atom Bomb

    Atom Bomb Two Bucket System Washer

    How many washes did it take to stop bleeding for you guys? I don't really want to risk bleeding onto my other towels ;/

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