Rupes BigFoot, Surbuf Pads, Meguiar's MF Cutting Pads, and Menzerna FG400 a perfect combo!

Discussion in 'Detailers Domain' started by detailersdomain, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    We have them in stock right now I have to get them up on the site. I believe they list for $59.99 or something we should have them for $57.

    Would you like me to run a special on them?
  2. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    thanks Paul. we should have the LHR 75 in stock by middle of next week.
  3. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Unbelievable! I cannot imagine how much money you saved this guy...
  4. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Phil, I don't know if this question has been asked yet on here, or maybe I'm nuts, but your site says the LHR15 is up for pre order, I assume you still have it in? I'm really interested in it plus M101.
  5. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    What does pre-order mean? Look at post #22.
  6. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    So sorry, I was looking at DD's website and it states "Currently these are up for pre ordering - we should have these back in stock in 2 weeks." I didn't know if this was left from initial inventory or the current status. I voided my own rule of using the search function or doing more leg work and didn't see post #22, answers my question. My bad.
  7. blongo804

    blongo804 DB Forum Supporter

    I can't believe how awesome this came out. I have a similar situation for a client of mine. I told her i'll see what I can do, but after seeing this.. I feel the confidence! :D
  8. jameyers14

    jameyers14 Virgin Detailer

    Amazing. Perhaps an entire thread itself, but with the advancements in DA hardware, pads, and polishes have we seen the death of the rotary? As far as I can till it's been at least 2 years since Phil has posted a write-up using a rotary. Does the rotary still have a niche?
  9. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    If you can count all the auto body and paint shops alone, in just this country, that will be a pretty huge number of Rotary machines that are used every day, all year long, since the invention of Rotary power and its use in this area of paint correction.

    Then if you throw in all the auto manufacturers who use air powered Rotary power in the correction of new paintwork coming off the assembly line, there is another huge number.

    Now, look at all the Rotary machines used in the Boat and Airplane industries, and well, throw in all the people who build - say ambulances and fire trucks, and paint them and correct the paintwork with Rotary machines, and even more than that still.

    I think that there will not be much of a change; having worked in some of these industries, there really is no tool that can hold up to the amount of work that it takes to correct some of the harder, dirtier, full of all kinds of embedded crap, than a Rotary. And even then, for example, some of the best Boat Detailers will tell you that they routinely kill rotary machines over a season of grinding the nastiness out of very dirty gelcoat that has been in the water for years.

    It is a grinder/sander that has been adapted by guys that were way visionary a long time ago, and along with a lot of ingenuity and hard work, was found to be able to correct and polish paintwork, and if used correctly, the finish was crystal clear, deep, with no swirls, trails, etc., present.

    I personally welcome the newer technology that delivers what it says it can do and make it easier on the operator and the paint, and will eventually think about trying out some of these things myself.

    But until then, I still use my Makita 9227c more than 95% of the time for all initial correction and finishing work. Why ? Because it works fast, and I can get more work done, and still get it to finish down as good as anything else.

    I was in Chip Foose's Shop in Huntington Beach CA., this past summer and among all the incredibly beautiful works of art he turns cars and trucks into, he had a few 3M Rotary machines, electric and air powered, that looked like they have had a good, hard life there. This man is a perfectionist, could have any machine of any type probably given to him to try out, and he is using Rotary Power.
    Dan F
  10. HeavyD

    HeavyD DB Forum Supporter

    Great save Phil!!! Good read there Dan.
  11. Merlin

    Merlin Virgin Detailer

    Great Work! The Before/After pictures are amazing.
    I use rotary's and DA's but still haven't "Rupes" yet.

    I'm almost always late to the party for new products.
    Purchasing two machines is a pretty big investment.
  12. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    pick up one to start and you should be okay, what type of cars do you work on?

    for the bigger flatter panels pick up the 21mm and for smaller cars pick up the 15mm.

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