MD, VA, NJ, DE Meet?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by willjco, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    Sounds good :thumb: I have a Highline Meter II PTG. Not a fancy one but hella accurate on metal

    Ill try to talk my GF into attending lol she doesnt care much for car stuff :crasy: but ill see what happens.

    Any beer is good just as long as it isnt Natty Lite or Milwaukee's best lol when drinking casually i like to enjoy a good quality beer. Ill try to get a case of blue moon so that everyone can try it and convert :)

    I got a point and shoot here at home with a tripod incase theres no fancy cameras attending

    11/29/09 sounds good to me. I just have to double check with my girlfriend and make sure i dont have anything important that day. I would say 12/19 since i will be done with finals by then, but it will be too damn cold lol

    Bring the sentra!!!! lol i have plenty of parking space next door in front of my neighbors house in case we run out of room in the driveway. looks like theres gonna be enough of us to do a few cars if we want. also ill be excited to try out the tire dressing. ive been looking to sample new ones.

    that would be awesome. that way i can practice with a rotary and maybe if someone in the group has mastered it, learn the KB method with the PC.

    Me 2
  2. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    11/29/09 works for me!
  3. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Hell yea. I am so down.

    And yea Gianni, I'll probably take you up on that ride. That, or at least follow one another up, since the hood of the corolla was sat on by my sister and her friends, dirty and in jeans. And plus we can swirl it up a little and polish it out.
  4. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    So you guys want to do it on the Sunday of the Thanksgiving week-end??? I guess I can do that.

    Here's what I can bring:

    -Flex XC3401 DA w/LC Hydro-Tech 6.5" Pads
    -PC7424 w/LC Hydro-Tech 4" Pads
    -Zaino Z-AIO, Z-FX, Z-CS
    -Optimum Poli-Seal, Car Wax, Instant Detailer
    -Poorboy's Natty's Red, QD+
    -DG105, Dodo Blue Velvet, Collinite 845
    -Einszett Cockpit Premium, Glas Polish
    -Wolfgang Paintwork Polish Enhancer, Deep Gloss Paint Sealant
    -Menzerna SIP PO83Q, Power Finish PO203, and Super Finish 106FA
    -FWIW, I can also bring various wheel cleaners and wheel brushes.

    I can bring other stuff too, if it gets requested I will offer to bring it.
  5. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Just let me know when we finalize the date. Where are we having the meet again? Location?
  6. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    hmm that's true it will be he Sunday after thanksgiving.... Might have to move it then. But we'll see ur list looks rly good
    location is at my house in totowa nj date is still being decided.
  7. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    hmm, maybe, depends when, its 120 miles from me
  8. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    If there is a product or item that someone really wants to test out just post it and we'll see what we can do.
  9. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Yeah same for me. It's almost 150 miles.
  10. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    also i just got a maybe from my friend with a 99 528 that needs some TLC to get it back to its former glory. Either that or I can try to get my cousins 2010 Merc C300 Sport (One i did a wash and wax on a while ago) that the dealership hacked up
  11. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    :thumb:im in for a meet for sure ...
  12. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    I'm in the garage looking at everything I have. I have a decent variety of stuff but I'm not willing to bring some things. Nor am I looking to pack tons of different products as I expect everyone else to bring their own assortments.

    What I listed previously is pretty much what I'm willing to bring except for the Z-CS. I only got half a bottle left and it's not cheap stuff. But I do have a few more things I'm willing to bring and share (in addition to what I already listed):

    Eagle One Nano Wash & Wax Shampoo
    Citrus Wash & Clear
    2 Dodo Juice Purple Haze sample pots
    Megs Glass Cleaner Concentrate
    Megs APC+
    Diablo Gel
    Flash Cherry Bomb APC (never used this before)

    Anything that requires diluting and anyone that wants to use anything should bring their own bottles and methods of measuring. For example, I'll probably end up bringing 16-32oz each of Glass Cleaner Concentrate, APC+, shampoos, etc. Once I'm out of a product, I'm all out, but I'm not going to ask for anything back.

    We should have one or two donor cars because even a dozen guys playing around and practicing products, one person per panel gets a car done in no time and we want to return the donor vehicle(s) with some paint on them!

    I'm actually going to compile a list of everything I'm going to bring on my end and then I will post my final list as we get closer to the actual date, whenever that may be. I suggest everyone else do the same so we can cross-check each other, etc.

    Typing this up I just realized I'm going to need lots of boxes or something for transportation lol.
  13. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    this is gonna be wicked.

    Ev, PM me your address so I can look up directions and mileage.
  14. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    :doh: Nvermind. I have your address, so I can send your package :doh:
  15. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    i hope you have heat in your garage ev.
  16. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    That is a little far to go for me, it would be great to me all of you guys. I am thinking about having one for people in VA, MD, PA, and NC. I just need to talk with a few others about helping teach the class.
  17. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    I am in MD do let me know if you need help with a meet or class
  18. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    I'm in for the meet its actually not that far from my house as well. I could bring a lot of things I'll read over the list and figure out what I could help and bring.
  19. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter


    sounds good. dont worry about the expensive stuff we know how much they cost lol. Bring whatever you want I'm sure we'll have about 20+waxes and shampoos :giggle:

    :doh: lol

    oh yes :devil: lol i have central air and heat just need a mini fridge and a bathroom and i can live in there :)

    sorry to hear that I know its a bit of a drive for most of you, so sorry :/

    sounds good, adding you to the list
  20. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    so anbuzero ... how many people are coming??

    I'm in btw ... at what time are we going to start the gathering ... from 6am until 12am?

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