Least favorite part about detailing?

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by pektel, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    I do the interior after washing and claying, but before polishing, so I really don't mind it. If I did it after polishing I'm sure it would be a different story. I do hate doing the inside of the windsheild and rear window, I'm 6'2" so it is a major PITA.

    Polishing for hours upon hours flat out sucks, especially when you are in the second step of a three step correction. Ugh.
  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Those of you guys who hate doing windows because you can reach the bottom really need go down to target or such and get yourself one of those wands for cleaning glass for $5. Makes life much easier!
  3. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    removing dried polish or wax in crevices, etc.....usually the next day
  4. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Anytime I'm not getting the results I want....
  5. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Interiors and Glass for me
  6. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    I'd have to add:
    When you see the car you just spent 20+ hours detailing the next day/week dirty as a mofo.
  7. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Lifemal's avatar.
  8. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

  9. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing


    Oh yeah also hate after you detail it and you are all done and the next day it decides to monsoon outside and there is dirt overrun on the roads and you get dirt and crap all down the side of the car.
  10. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    i have a small step later now to use for roofs but you really have to position yourself right before you start polishing. makes me feel like i'm 6 feet all haha
  11. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    i have a small lightweight platform I use I got from HD.
  12. i hate cleaning the interiors of cars for people who say "i have kids" im sure everyone knows what im talking about
  13. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I don't consider myself a detailer, but an enthusiast ... there's nothing I hate more than cleaning the interior windows.

    Love pressure-washing wheel wells and doing interiors.
  14. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    Very close tie between cleaning glass and cleaning bird poop off of a freshly cleaned car. Sometimes I really hate starlings and pigeons.
  15. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Purchasing a product and being disappointed by it. That's my least favorite. Thanks to DB, that doesn't happen to me often anymore.

    Interiors are my favorite. Interiors aren't "glamorous," and other people don't see them...but the owner of the car you just detailed sure as heck does. It's where they spend most of their time with their car. So, I get a great amount of satisfaction from comments like "I can't believe what you did with the (carpets/seats/dash/armrest/whatever)." People seem to have one or two parts of their interiors that they really hope I can improve, and when I do, they're thrilled. That's cool to me.
  16. bentley147

    bentley147 Jedi Nuba

    mines when u shampoo and u hit your hand on the track for the seats .....then your skin tear easier when its wet
  17. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    I hate polishing so much. Like said before, jewling isent so bad but the compounding and cutting stages I just cant stand. I also dislike cleaning really dirty door seals... its like they never come clean.
  18. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    You are lucky I have had a lot to drink. I'm PMing you my words right now. Do not make them public, for they are private. Hence, PRIVATE MESSAGE.
  19. FJF

    FJF Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Love polishing; hate drying (after a wash) and doing interiors.
  20. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    After like 6 - 7 hours into the car when I'm done the buffing stages, I just don't want to be there anymore. Cause then I think "Oh I gotta do this, and this" and it starts to make me rush things and I don't like rushing things so I get caught in a weird paradox, then I go take a break and burn a big fat one and come back all relaxed and get tripped out by my reflection on the car.

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