How You Folks Sell Correction?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by vtec92civic, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    This. However, you also need to make them understand this luxury service has a price and that they can't get it "thrown on for free"
  2. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Show them a 50/50 pic. If they don't see the difference, they probably won't pony up the money for their car. Those that answered will likely agree that it takes a bit of time to get to the point of doing mainly correction work. Building up a client base of satisfied customers, especially in the restorative work isn't an overnight thing. The guys that post up correction job after correction job probably spent a good amount of time doing the "not so cool" wash and wax and clean up jobs. In the end you don't sell it, it has sold it before you even get the first phone call.

    sent using my thumbs, mispelling most words
  3. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

  4. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Vtec92Civic -

    Great question ! Great feedback !

    It really helps to have a website - doesn't have to be really fancy and full of thousands of pictures, as Advertising studies show that majority of people want information quickly, concisely, easy to understand and navigate around.

    On your website have a place for Feedback from your Clients and that will help those relate to how others thought about it, and gave their version of what they saw and felt when they got home with their newly Detailed car.

    Try to keep your website current with new pics of your latest and greatest. ( I am really bad about this and have a few really nice vehicles to add pics of right now) :(

    50/50 shots are nice but most people will not understand what they are and you have to explain how you did that most of the time.

    What I like to do, is go up to their vehicle, (which is almost always in need of mild to severe correction, right?), pick out a panel, and ask them to imagine this panel being so clear and smooth that they can see reflections of everything CLEARLY in it, be able to read anything in it perfectly, and how much more protection and longevity they will also have for their paint.

    And as you know, there are so many different Levels of correction, this is really a win-win situation for you AND the prospective Client.

    The whole time you are looking at their vehicle, you are thinking to yourself, "easy/not so easy paint, bad/not so bad/medium defects, etc., do I have the product/s needed to do this?/ how many hours will it take me/ what does Calendar look like/ and so forth....

    If you are totally in control of the situation, and really show the confidence because you have it, the Client will be much more relieved that someone actually knows about their vehicle's needs, looks to be honest and truthful, has a great reputation, website, etc., took the time to explain things to them in a professional manner but with layman's terms so they could understand, and will most always go with your recommendation.

    Now you discerned, repeat discerned, their needs and wants by carefully listening to them first, letting them get it all out, not interrupting them, perhaps helping them explain things better so that they learned along the way, and you now have a pretty darn good idea what they will want to do, and that will be where you start.

    I am very blessed to live in an area where the daily drivers that go by my house every day are all the German, English, Italian, Japanese, and all other Marques at all the levels, so I have pretty much a great full correction inside, outside, engine compartment, trunk, etc., going every day. But it didnt start out like that from day 1 either. I had to work really hard, turn out perfect work every day, and then little by little, people started stopping by, saying things like " I see you working hard every day", "wow, that Porsche 911 GT3 RS really looked great", "your work looks outstanding - "I can literally see my reflection in the car you just did when I drove by", etc... And then they start asking about their vehicle, fleet of vehicles, boats, airplanes, etc... :)

    I also agree with all the comments above, and will also echo this - Detailing will not necessarily make one rich unless a lot of time, hard work, and a lot of $$$ is invested to have the appropriate location, set up, and a few other people to turn out vehicles quicker without killing yourself. You need to have a vision of where you want to be, and be able to track progress at least yearly and evaluate at least yearly, how this is going, and are you still in it 110% or not, etc..

    Good luck, I feel that you are really trying hard and do great work over there; keep it up !
    Dan F
  5. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Another tip... Square off a test section and correct that area as part of the "pre-detail inspection" to show them what their paint can/should look like... If after seeing that, they cannot stop staring at the finished area and do not CALL YOU for correction nothing will sell them.
  6. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    exactly, it should be offered separately.
  7. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    There really is a wealth of information here. I can't thank you folks enough for some of the advise that has been given here. I will try some of these things and see what happens. I agree with you here. I need to try this again as i stopped LoL.
  8. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    You need to learn how to sell without selling. Otherwise known as passive selling. If I had time to see a computer I would elaborate.

    sent using my thumbs, mispelling most words
  9. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Agreed, I honestly believe that the the services I offer are of value and that the customer needs me as opposed to me need him/her and I am sure that comes through in the way I present myself and aids in closing jobs.

    I honestly think it's like dealing with women, If you act needy they will be scared away. Once you gain confidence and portray that, customers will be drawn to you.

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