Sorry to hear the news. They can fire anyone without a reason, based upon the previous post of being an at will employee. The employer used that as his alibi in case there is a rebuttal. Sounds like a manager was under the gun too trim cost. Anyhow, it seems like you have credentials to go where you are more needed, which will work out in your favor.
Misha, I'm sorry to hear about your job. As others have stated the economy is horrible. The latest quarter proves to be somewhat bright as new jobs were created. Most likely in the automotive industry with the injection of new funding. I'm sure something will turn up. You seem like a passionate hard worker so I don't see why another company would not pick you up. All the best and good luck.
i know there is IT work in the DC area not sure how close that is to you. call a few contract houses and get your resume to them.
I'm sorry that you got fired dude. I don't wanna sound like an a-hole, but most companies will never give you a formal & written job description because it limits how they can utilize you as an employee. Job descriptions are used as a reference tool and they are not set in stone, unless you are backed by an union. I have also seen unionized job descriptions changed constantly due to the change in "current market conditions". You can give it a try, but I really think you are wasting your time and money if you try to battle the "it wasn't in my job description". I have worked since I was 15 years old (hourly and salary) and I have yet to see a formal job description.
also even if they have a formal description. there is also a document that you signed somewhere along the lines in their HR policy that states they can let you go when ever they deem necessary. bummer but true
I am also sorry to hear. Were you let go or fired? There is a difference. If you were truly fired for cause you need to understand what happened. Almost everyone can improve since when someone wants to get rid of something the idea is to have someone else to get it -- not you.
With some hard work and perseverance, it will always work out for you. I know you have heard this hundreds of times by now, but the job market is not the best so hopefully an opportunity comes along sooner rather than later!
Sorry to hear. I was unemployed foralmost all of last yr it is not fun. Especially when your the only one working. Keep your head up and you will find the one that is suited for you. In the mean time you have detailing and you can post locally to fix computers