Expressing frustration

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Glad to hear it. We now have Gloss-it and the rest of the BH line in stock. It will all be in the store this week.

    As for the thread, I only saw lifemals pics and thought it would be a great idea as he said "to put faces to names" . I appreciate Nicas efforts to stay on top of things here and keep it a well respected place. I don't have a lot of personal time these days for obvious reasons and it means a lot to be able to come onto DB and not have to wade through a bunch of BS whilst searching for pertinent information. Keep it up.:applause:
  2. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Sorry if I said or posted anything, I didn't mean for that picture I posted of me with all those girls in their suits to be considered pornographic, it was just supposed to be a picture. I'm not sure if you were talking about me, I hadn't seen the thread since my last post in it, but I am sincerely sorry if I did anything. :sorry:

    Thanks for keeping us straight Nica :applause:

  3. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Glad to see this post to be honest. I had talked to several other members here and we had talked about how we felt as though some were trying to turn this into an Argutopia type forum. New members here are two fold. You have the ones that really breath fresh new life into the forum with their enthusiasm to learn and the sharing of products and experiences they bring, and then you have the ones that come here and are the prototypical "other forum" type member that just wants either their ego stroked or be argumentative.

    Some even go so far as to openly violate the rules by doing what they consider to be "covert" bending of the rules like posting your company name in reflection shots. They've been pretty easy to spot and distinguish early on in their posts so I just ignore and never repy to posts by those "other forum" type members. Usually when they get bored of being ignored, they just go away on their own, but occassionally someone has to step in and I'm glad we have someone as open minded as Nica to do just that. With as many threads that have been started here there have been very very very few that have been closed or deleted and that itself is a testament to this place!
  4. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I'm not exactly sure, I think I just got back from the bar when I wrote that. :doh:
  5. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I really like this place, the members have taught me a lot and I have been introduced to excellent vendors whom I may not have known if not for this site. I hope no posts I have made have made people think I am one of the people who don't belong here.
  6. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I doubt it. Although (no offense because I'm in the same boat) you aren't one of the senior members with extensive knowledge, the fact that you hand out stuff like it's your job makes you a very valuable member IMHO. Very nice of you, this is what I like about DB.
  7. Hum-Benz

    Hum-Benz Wax on..Wax off

    Hmmmmm....everything from BH?
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well, thank you all for the support and to be honest the rant last night was not intended to any one in maybe it was to those I sent PM's to.

    For the most part all members know how to behave, all members know how I operte the forum...but there has been a bunch of new members and like JL said some new members bring 'baggage'. For the most part I'll tolerate quite a bit but when enough is enough I and I encourage members here to step up and genuinely uphold the Detailing Bliss standards.

    When such things happen at Detailing Bliss the standard is lowered, lowered to the ground to be honest and when Detailing Bliss looks bad it reflects back at not only me but the community. I don't know about you guys but in my personal life I choose to associate my self with honest, respectful and above all asset's to society not shady characters or individuals that speak as though they have lived of the street there whole life. Now I'm not saying I'm a snob or that I’m better no nothing like that but I'd like my family to grow up in a respectful environment so I associate my self with such individuals that will provide that particular environment I'm looking for.

    Well for me I treat the forum as I associate my self in the real world. If you enjoy communicating as though your on the streets you probably wont enjoy this site, I have an expectation of all the members here and I expect each member to be honest, respectful and most of all an asset to the community. If members here choose not to respect my rules there are other forums for you. Detailing Bliss is open to the entire world but that doesn’t mean the entire world will agree with Detailing Bliss' rules/expectations.

    Having said that, I agree. there have been a few members that only come in the forum to build up an ego or to empower themselves at the cost of those who pay to promote their services or products. I do my best to be a fair person and I will continue to be fair. Having said that some members get offended when I edit their threads and choose to leave, which is fine with me. But it comes down to being fair and I expect all members to be fair and above all respectful to one another.

    I probably sound like a broken record...respect, honer..ect..ect..or maybe I sound like an old man but that's just how I am and that is how I Detailing Bliss will operate!!
  9. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    You guys don't see me wander into "Off Topic" very often, and the reason for that is I'm always fearful that an "Off Topic" section seems to, inevitably, devolve into some sort of hostility. I've seen it many times before.

    There is good news. Actually, there is a LOT of good news, as I see it:

    1. Carlos has made the point very clearly that this stuff is not okay here
    2. The involved parties have expressed heartfelt apologies
    3. The thread in question was, I believe, an isolated incident

    So my suggestion is this. Let's leave this issue, and go back to normal DB.

  10. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I hope I don't come across that way either^^^^^^^I have to check myself before I wreck myself...>>>>>>:sorry:

    Maybe the "Heat" got the best of me yesterday, it was 95 with heat index of 106>>>:thud:
  11. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    What's heat index? is that like wind chill, but for warm states? I'm born and raised in MN. At 106 I melt.
  12. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I'm in the Pacific Northwest and I start melting at 85 or so. I don't like hot so much.
  13. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

  14. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Its like windchill. Its how hot it actually feels and it correlates to the temperature and humidity % most of the time.
  15. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    X2. lets just move on.
  16. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Carlos, you have said it before this is your house and your rules. I am a parent and when my kids get out of line I correct them. I am an adult and when my mother sees me getting out of line she will darn sure correct me. We are here to learn about and also talk with each other and hopefully start a friendship based on the interests we share. You run your house how you see fit and that is how it is done. Honestly you do a great job, this really seems like a community of friends and family and not just a forum. People have choices if they do not like the family friendly way of doing things then go to the other forums and bicker with everyone else over there.
    Carlos and the DB family keep up the great work, the info here is top notch and the site is classy lets keep it that way.
  17. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    Darn, I missed all the drama?!?!

  18. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    nica your doing a great ! job running this forum . and i think i cant say this for all the dedicated members here !!! keep up the good work !!:applause:
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you all for the kind words and support.

    I'm glad to see members agreeing with me and understanding where I'm coming from, I will continue with my direction with the forum but I also rely on support from the community, so if you guys see something that you feel is inappropriate please feel free to share it with me so that I may deal with it.

    Having said all that I had to say I agree, lets get back to what we are all here for and that is having a good time, sharing details, knowledge, new products you've purchased and well lets just keep in mind to be respectful with each other :peace:

    It's a fresh start and lets just call this a learning experience :thumb: Now you know my expectations of each forum member and I will do my best to maintain the forum as peaceful, respectful and most of all fun as possible.

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