Everything up Until Now

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by BrendanS, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Love using a blower to dry the car, you can get into all the seams and just blow out the water, works great on grills so you dont have surprise water drips, also good on wheels and tires to dry them fast.
  3. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    pm'ed you about point roberts
  4. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks. When I worked at a dealership they stored their clay in a container of soap and water, I thought I would try it to prevent the clay from drying out. Didn't work ahah. The clay lasts longer on it on in a sealed box.
    Definitely, love using it in the grills and wheels
  5. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    THose red apps look massive.
  6. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    they are...they're awesome. Very well priced as well, I bought 6 for close to $10
  7. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    What are other advantages of the larger applicators?
  8. tors

    tors Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Nice collection there x, how do you like the Riccardo clay? I have a blue clay produced by the same manufacturer that has incredible elasticity, and I love it.
  9. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    thanks, its no where as nice and organized as yours but I try. I've only tried the Riccardo yellow and Meguiars White clay. But the Riccardo is great, I got it BOGO from EShine so it was a heck of a deal, $20 for two boxes. It hasn't given me any problems with marring, I use it with ONR for lube and it works great! I should probably get some more of it.
  10. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    I can't wait for my E-shine order to get in...this is my favourite thread to update lol
  11. redg35

    redg35 Virgin Detailer

    How do you like the uber pads so far.
  12. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Uber pads are great, I only have the LC CCS pads to compare them to, but the ubers feel really nice. Yellow is great, cuts more than orange but finishes better because it's not as stiff. Green is a great pad as well! If you're putting an order in at DD don't forget to try their applicators. I love them!
  13. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Yay finally get to update this page. Got my part of the order in form e-shine that ken (kc1337) got for me. And I also got my CG order that Ty (lifemal) brought up for me. Thanks to both for the help. Part of the CG order is not mine though. Anyways, sorry the pics are blurry. Still learning the ways wih the D3000.
  14. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

  15. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    What I give customers a ride home on :)
  16. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    sweet collection. love the pocket rocket :D
  17. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Dang dude, that collection got really healthy!
  18. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    haha thanks man, just threw it in there for shits and giggles...
    thanks bro, my collection may have gotten healthy, but my wallets been gettin real UNhealthy:giggle:
  19. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    good god! this is my first time seeing this thread and going through the pages on here i watched your microfiber collection grow nicely. I can't wait to get a house one day be it rent but preferably own or rent a bay of some sort. If it's one thing i like about a stationary location it allows for one to have a ton of stuff and be very organized with it.

    Right now i am currently mobile and though i feel i'm pretty organized it would be nice to have a great setup like yours.

    where are you scooping up your microfibers from? I made the switch from CCS to Uber pads and couldn't be happier. I hate my CCS pads now. You have a lot of great stuff . . . . . . i also can't wait to try one of those raceglaze brushes . . . . . . thought they look like a beefed up version of some of the brushes you see at like walmart as the bristles are really short and the metal center worries me.

    Anyhow keep updating as you get new stuff it's great to see.
  20. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    haha thanks bud. I'm still a high-school student so that's why I'm able to be stationary from my parents garage. I've paid for all my supplies, don't get the wrong idea:p:. Anyways I get all my Raceglaze stuff from Ken@Autowerkes. I haven' t had any complaints with anyone of their products. My Raceglaze XL Wheel brush is going strong, it's seen some nasty cleaners/wheels. I get my MFs from everywhere (ragshack, eshine, autowerkes, chemical guys, walmart for the cheapos). But yeah, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase any raceglaze products, they have yet to let me down.


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