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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    Danngg The pressure is on.....

    It just looks like so much money! my order from Chris would end up being like $608 (with some goodies)


  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well the way I see it, it's an for toys/tools that can double what you invest...mmmm...but that's me and I'm terrible at choosing so I just buy it all hahahahahaha but don't go by my example...seriously don't I'm a bad example.

    I don't know the way I see it for me, all that I'm purchasing is towards the business/ the same time I know I'll be detailing for as long as long as I have good health that is, if God willing I'll be detailing for the rest of my life and tools can be seen as a good investment or a poor investment we each have our own opinion on them..but that's just me and my :2cents:
  3. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I just can't get my head around how much money that is. That pile of cash actually has thickness to it. To be 100% honest with you, the DFT nor the Flex will double what I make. I already have a rotary, rona sander, and a PC. Flex is just to replace the PC which I dislike. The DFT...well I don't know. I have buffed out a whole bunch of cars and ever used one. I guess to some extent it is a risk, but I examine the paint for signs of refinishing first. The thing is I could potentially use the DFT for those projects I have been telling you about...but I am not sure if I need the DFT or a progauge II. the difference is about $470...
  4. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    extent it is a risk, but I examine the paint for signs of refinishing first. The thing is I could potentially

    you think way tto much like an accountant.. so whats the oppertunity costs of that money? Also what is the return on investmnet?(keep in mind the time saved maybe a return) sounds like it isnt much...:missy:
  5. richy

    richy Guest

    I would absolutely love one of those, but I can't afford it right now. ijust spent a bundle on the wife for xmas and have ordered detailing supplies and replaced both our digital and camcorder..I'm tapped. DAMN!:acry2:
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well there is truth to what you guys are saying but even if you look at the paint with your eyes and examin as best as you can with hands, eyes you still don't know how much paint/cleacoat you have to play with? Now yes I've too have been polishing with out a paint gauge and I've always had that fear of going to aggresive, example. If there is a surface scratch you know you can remove but you need to go up to a wool pad to remove it and a heavy compound well there is always that chance you could do some damage...even wetsanding, there are ways to check how far you have gone through the clear just by looking at it with your bare eye but I like being on the safe side and that's why for me investing on these gauges is well worth it.

    Heck when I get a Ferrari/Lambo (highend vehicle) to detail there is no way in the world I'm going to just eye ball it, no way...but that's just me though :2cents:

    Now as far as it paying off it can, you just have to work it in the cost that's all...everything can pay off it all comes down to how much are you going to use it and how much you charge the customer. Again that's just me though :coffee: not trying to justify the price of the gauge just sharing how I see it that's all.
  7. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    I would take te Gauge :D But have spent like...hmm..MUTCH lately :p

    Go for the Gauge Sneek! Put away the accountant head, because I know what you are thinking. haha
  8. eShine

    eShine Guest

    eShine may be the exclusive Canadian dealer of Swissvax. Being winter we are in no position to bring on and stock the entire line. We are trying to come up with a list of main products to start off with then likely complete the line come spring. Any Swissvax knowledge here? What are the "MUST HAVE" Swissvax products?
  9. Kron

    Kron Two Bucket System Washer

    The bits which are popular in the UK tend to be:

    Best of Show
    Autobahn Wheel Wax
    Wheel Brush
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh sweet mother of pearls...:woo:...:woo:...I've been bugging you about these Swissvax products for so long you finaly seen the light...okay must have...hang on let me get my Swissvax list I've been making:

    - Divine
    - Divine
    - Divine
    - Brush

    Yup that's all I need :woo:
  11. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Divine is special order. They produce it upon request. I will have it on the page to purchase, not sure how long it takes them to make it.
  12. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Congrats Chris. This is nice :D

    I would love to carry Swissvax to, but its allready in Norway :(
  13. Divine Detail

    Divine Detail DB Pro Supporter

  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Okay now that I got that Swissvax adrenaline off my chest now for a more realistic list:

    - Swissvax Autobahn Wheel Wax
    - Swissvax Wheel Brush
    - Swissvax Paint Rubber
    - Swissvax Onyx
    - Swissvax Zuffenhausen
    - Swissvax Saphir
    - Swissvax Concorso
    - Swissvax Cleaner Fluid

    Oh and for a detailing nut around here I recomend the Swissvax Divine :woo: :woo: not joking being serious :woo: :woo:
  15. Jayplay

    Jayplay DB Pro Supporter

    as a authorised swissvax detailer in UK i would personally add to your list
    seal feed-brillant stuff
    leather cleaner
    leather milk
    the different grades of cleaner fluids (med,etc_
    autobahn whel wax

    cystal glass cleaner
  16. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Great…. So what I gather from this thread is….The “Must have” products are all of them. LOL
  17. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: yup you got it :thumb:

    Jayplay thanks for the addition :cheers:
  18. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Sold out of Cookie Monsters! Didn't expect this sale to go half as good! Sold over 1000 Cookie Monsters. Now we are kicking ourselves for running out of stock.
  19. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Congrats eShine :D

    Carlos don't tell me u're gonna be getting some divine soon :p
  20. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    WOW! Congrats :D

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