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Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by eShine, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    F-OFF Deal of week March 21st.

    eShine Canada: Busch Chrome and Stainless Steel Polish (16oz)

    50% OFF Busch Chrome and Stainless Steel Polish (16oz)

    For removal of rust from chrome and oxidation from stainless steel. Restores shine to both surfaces and fights return of rust on chrome.
    • Removes stains and rust from chrome plated and stainless steel.​
    • Provides protective film against rust and elements.​
    • Can be used with buffing pad.​
    1. Clean surface before applying product.​
    2. Apply Busch Chrome and Stainless Polish to terry cloth rag, and wipe onto surface until rust or stains are removed.​
    3. Wipe off with clean terry cloth rag.​
    4. For chrome surfaces, save effort by using Busch Chrome Wash first to remove rust.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba


    am I the only one that seems to notice the prices always fluctuate at eshine? I don't want to sound like someone complaining, I understand this is a business.

    I bought some Iron X last week for ~12$ and it jumped to 16,99$ today. Same with the other similar products.

    I should point out that I look out for my money, as anyone else would. But why is this happening suddenly like that?


  3. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    economnic factors, Could be due to IronX being from japan and the fact they have some issues as of late due to natural disasters the price may be fluid and react to logistical conditions.
  4. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Is IronX so expensive because there currently is no substitute for it? It's obviously a very potent product that saves lots of time (less clay work). I wonder if any other companies are going to come out with their own version any time soon so that this type of product is easier and cheaper to obtain (and offer it in large quantities).
  5. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    it was probably pricing errored for a very long time lol
  6. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    lol oh man, why didn't I buy more of that stuff :p
  7. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    I did, hahahhahahahhah
  8. Upper Class Detailing

    Upper Class Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Wolf's "Brake Duster" is similar to Iron X (even smells kinda the same, i.e., rotten eggs). Shipping from the UK is expensive.
  9. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    so you were the one who made it go out of stock earlier? lol
  10. astro_ng

    astro_ng Jedi Nuba

    IT happens, atleast they offer the F-Off deal. I'm just about to put in a huge order in for eshine. $500+, but so much of the stuff i want is sold out :(
  11. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    Prices don’t fluctuate often, only when the CDN-USD rates change. With the CQUARTZ kyoshiro nailed it on the head, huge pricing errors that were just realized. When we saw what AG and other US distributors were setting their prices at we closely looked at our pricing. Lets just say who ever got these products from us earlier got a darn good deal. With so many products these things can go on un-noticed for quite a while.
  12. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Too bad nobody is having a pricing error on the new Flex rotary...
  13. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    Most pricing errors are when suppliers are from different countries and you miscalculate shipping costs and duties. With more popular items like the Flex you are able to see what other vendors are setting their prices at and go from there.
  14. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    canadian prices with car pro products are nonetheless competitve with AG prices
    i think AG was selling 19.99 while it was 12.99 up here LOL
  15. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Slight B-side question: Instead of setting prices at what the competitors do, why not set a rule of "minimum X-amount of profit/item"? No matter what the item is, always aim for let's say 25% profit after everything (product, taxes, duties, shipping, etc.) or something like that. This would give customers a better price on certain products over other sellers, and give the seller more business because of better/more fair prices. Just a thought.
  16. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    rotten egg smell is from hydrogen sulfide which is in the ironx
  17. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    problem with that is some manufacturers have set price for vendors (like apple or sony for example. nobody can sell for less at what apply told them to sell it at. i worked at retail and know what cost is on those products and not sure why its same price as if normal customer would buy it (cost=retail price or retail price=cost+5% or 10%).

    on some items profit is out of this world, for example usb cable retails for 12.99, companies cost is about $0.99, this is why they try to sell you bunch of little stuff when you get TV or computer, couse thats where most profit comes from
  18. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    Most of the time the manufacturer has a set price which makes it easy. other time we have to come up with a price. In cases where the products are being shipped from Korea, china etc it can be hard calculating the set prices. In the case of Cquartz I noticed how high other vendors (who are usually competitive) we setting their prices so I went back and went over the numbers. This even happens the other way around, we have dropped our prices when a customer points out we are on crack with some of our pricing. The problem is products are only worth what people sell them for. Price wars between online companies make low profits for everyone and causes the manufacturer either to stop selling to the lowballer or everyone else will stop selling the product. There is a fine line between staying competitive and overpricing products. Many think selling these products makes you rich, I can tell you I have been doing this since 2004 am I am far from retiring!
  19. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    Chris, I can understand that. My wife runs a business as well but it isn't all about the products, but the service as well. Sometimes the prices might not be on-par with other companies out there, but at least you have the SERVICE, which is far more important. Kudos! And that's why i'll keep buying from you.
  20. kenny1775

    kenny1775 Jedi Nuba

    Agreed... Your service is fantastic Chris :thumb:

    You keep selling and I'll keep buying :afro:

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