I bought a bottle of CP a year ago. I found it cleaned pretty well for upkeep cleans. But I really did not enjoy the smell it left in clients cars so I never bought another bottle. I would much rather just clean everything with steam and then hit it with meguiars QI better smell and a nicer look IMO.
I have both and use both. They both perform equally well, and leave the finish exactly the same. About the only thing different between these two products is the scent, availability, and price. To be honest I don't think either one is better than the other, they're just different. About the only thing I'm uncertain of is if you can use Cockpit to lightly dust leather surfaces. The label on Meg's QID states that it is safe to use on leather surfaces. Both Meg's QID, and 1z Cockpit are designed to clean lightly soiled interiors, and leave behind a clean, natural, non greasy matte finish. As far as cleaning ability I'd say they both perform equally well. Just remember, although both add some minimal protection, neither is a dedicated interior protectant. If you're car is sitting in the sun all day, then you're probably better off using a dedicated protectant like Meguiar's M40, Aerospace 303, Lexol's Vinylex, or any other protectant of your choice. Just so we are all clear, these (below) are the two products that are being discussed right?
Actually, M40 would be better compared to 303 Aerospace Protectant or Lexol Vinylex. M40 is a vinyl and rubber protectant and conditioner. The great thing about M40 is that it has excellent cleaning abilities. It's very different from QID.
1z Cockpit Premium works even better when you put it in a Meg's Quick Interior detailing bottle. The Meg's sprayer has a finer spray pattern which I prefer over the 1z sprayer.
my local walmart is selling QID for $4.00 so i bought that, and i have a bottle of 1zcp also I havent tried them out yet, but from what i remember about qid is i liked it alot!
I've tried both, and I'll go with the cheaper and local Meguiars Quik Interior Detailer any day. It does the SAME thing, IMO.