dodo juice offical group buy

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Calgarydetail, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    How would it be to send to Norway? 1 box to US, 1 box to CA and 1 to Norway?
  2. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime 500ml(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Purple Haze, Total Sampler Pack(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and 1 lime Prime 500ml(CAN)
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, 8 sample pots and DW(US)
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.(CAN)
    6. ggk - Sample pots
    7. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots(US)
    8. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack
    9. reefer_bob - Lime Prime (500ml), double wax, and all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    10.Russecu - all 8 sample pots, lime prime 250 mL(US)
    11. Smith2287 - DW Double Wax, Lime Prime(US)
    12.jfsully -limeprime, light fantastic, diamond white, lime prime light
    13.littlemissGTO - purple haze, blue velvet (US)

    Updated my wants too:cool2:
  3. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Correct me if I am wrong but the Double wax comes with the hard and soft versions or do I need to update my purchase before the group buy ends?
  4. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    yes, double wax comes with a hard and a soft. From what i have read you apply the hard for protection, then over that apply the soft for looks. Supposted to give you yhe best of both worlds
  5. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    Do some people buy a soft wax (i.e Purple Haze) and a hard wax (i.e. Blue Velvet) and use both to achieve looks and protection?
  6. reefer_bob

    reefer_bob Obsessive Detailer

    I thought about doing the hard and soft color specific waxes... And I may still do this for my personal cars, but only after i have a chance to try the sample packs.

    Additionally my research on the double wax lead me to the conclusion it's a better all around wax, regardless of color.
  7. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    ??? :agree::agree:
  8. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    I cannot say, i would shoot whizzer a pm and see if he is willing to add a third captin. If we dosent get back to you till this is over we will make an exception and add you.
  9. marlcoke

    marlcoke Birth of a Detailer

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime 500ml(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Purple Haze, Total Sampler Pack(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and 1 lime Prime 500ml(CAN)
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, 8 sample pots and DW(US)
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.(CAN)
    6. ggk - Sample pots
    7. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots(US)
    8. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack (US)
    9. reefer_bob - Lime Prime (500ml), double wax, and all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    10.Russecu - all 8 sample pots, lime prime 250 mL(US)
    11. Smith2287 - DW Double Wax, Lime Prime(US)
    12.jfsully -limeprime, light fantastic, diamond white, lime prime light
    13.littlemissGTO - purple haze, blue velvet (US)
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Pirex, if you want a box to go to you I agree with Mike either contact WHIZZER your self asking him to send one box to you directly. If he can't for what ever reason either have it come to Canad or US and then sent back to you but man your going to take a big hit on shipping. As far as the boxes going to US & CA that shouldn't be a problem.

    I'd say contact WHIZZER buddy and see if he can help you out.
  11. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

    ex me off the list. car broke, no money to spend on wax :(
  12. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    That sucks hope it gets fixed though

    WHIZZER Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Pirex i think i can do something for you , perhaps deal that one direct
  14. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    That would be great, send me a pm with info if you can :woo:
  15. Rubbish Boy

    Rubbish Boy DB Certified Dealer

    Yes, layering the coloured and regular Dodo's does work well, hard then soft, seems to add a nice little something to the finish.
  16. littlemissGTO

    littlemissGTO Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks for the reply. Got me thinking again.
  17. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    Ok the final list is in. I will add it up when I get a second and shoot it over to whizzer. Once we have a price i will release a date and method of payment.

    1. Calgarydetail- total sampler pack(Can)
    2. VRWM - Lime Prime 500ml(x2), Blue Velvet, Double Wax, Purple Haze, Total Sampler Pack(US)
    3. Duratys- Total Sampler pack and 1 lime Prime 500ml(CAN)
    4. FMinus - Purple Haze, 8 sample pots and DW(US)
    5. FuelTuner - Lime Prime, and Rainforest rub.(CAN)
    6. Black Diamond - Blue Velvet or Sample pots(US)
    7. marlcoke - hard wax sample pack (US)
    8. reefer_bob - Lime Prime (500ml), double wax, and all 8 Sample Pots (US)
    9.Russecu - all 8 sample pots, lime prime 250 mL(US)
    10. Smith2287 - DW Double Wax, Lime Prime(US)
    11.jfsully -limeprime, light fantastic, diamond white, lime prime light
    12.littlemissGTO - purple haze, blue velvet (US)
  18. jake_b

    jake_b Obsessive Detailer

    i want to join. which one's the best wax?
  19. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    You should PM Calgarydetail because the group buy ended last night. He is in charge of this group buy can tell you if it is to late or not.
  20. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    ok im counting the numbers right now, i finnaly have aminute.
    jake if you still want in i need to know in the next hour... sorry but its only fair that I send it off as soon as i can


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