Auto Obsessed has a new SHOP!!!

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by hamza7, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    I am sure this will go unheard but I am surprised(no offense to Troy) that something as simple as a forum(autoobsessed) name was overlooked for so incredibly long.

    I know Phil Yiu owns the forum and Phil and he and I vend on a bunch of forums together so from another standpoint I could be looked at competitively.

    When I signed up here (under the name autoaesthetica) I was asked by p1et to change my name as I was unaware of the rules. I spoke with him(he was incredibly helpful) and he said he would confirm with Phil. I was banned(presumably by Phil) after hearing nothing at all back from p1et who I assume was waiting to hear from Phil.

    I never talked about my company, mentioned any products or shilled, nothing that would even be misconstrued as advertising. Simply banned, no reason, ban never to be lifted, after I had already submitted a name for change(keep in mind the rules on names are not easily accessed. Pretty rude that both myself and the moderator that helped me were simply ignored.

    It seems as thought while Troy's company is competitive to Eshine in their country, I have to suspect it was something of not being a direct competitor. But I only have 2 things to make me think was that I was swooped in on like a hawk.

    Again though, I only go by what I have seen. Seems the reins are a bit tighter on one side of the mouth.
  2. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    First off AO or myself had nothing to do with the original post, look at any of my posts and you will see that I have always tried to provide support and advice and never mention the AO name.

    As for sponsorsship we have been on a waiting list since May 2010 and have patiently been waiting and have continued to provide feedback, support and advice where we can help out.

    Once the sponsorship opening is available, I'll gladly send the payment and become an active sponsor.
  3. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    As I have mentioned AO has been patiently waiting to become a paid sponsor since May 2010
  4. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    Instead of bickering on a forum Troy and I spoke today like men and settled our little episode.
  5. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    My bad, I was only excited that the detailing recognition in Canada was growing(I want the industry as a whole to grow)...I don't mean to crap on anyone's company from posting about the competition but I was just spreading awareness...Anyway it's settled now so we can all have good night sleep :)
  6. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

  7. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    No worries Hazma7! We believe strongly in keeping good relationships with our competitors.

    Maybe DB will accept us a sponsor on the forum now? What do you say Phil??

    Anyone interested to see AO sponsor this great forum??
  8. frankiman

    frankiman Birth of a Detailer

    I think competition is great but for both of you it suck because your loosing some business. However by offering local detailing, that's something both of you can't take away from each other because its local business and your far away.

    However, I personnally had 3 bad shopping experience with eshine, some were no problem and one was resolved in my advantage. So these reasons, I'm no more interesting in dealing with eshine. Looking forward to place my first order with AO soon.
  9. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    I understand you may have had a bad experience with eshine, but I am curious to what steps you took to resolve them. I have placed orders with all of the detailing supplies stores and have had some problems. Like Eshine for example, my packaged leaked because there was a problem with the lid of a product, I emailed Erin @ Eshine and she sent me new product ASAP AND discounted me for that product (I had multiple) and I work as a P/T Customer Service Rep I strive to be even marginally close to that experience or Troy @ AO who upgraded my brushes to RG ones because he didn't have cheap ones I was looking for again example of great customer service.

    I believe you have a right to fully publish your review of the respected stores but then so do I to make it a level playing field.

    The most important thing when dealing with problems with any store is that you have to tell them what you want and then they usually try to get as close to that as they can.
  10. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

    I agree with you about competition being good, but your negative experience with Eshine seems like an isolated one on this forum. Additionally, in the 4 years iv'e been purchasing my supplies from them, I have never once had an issue that has not been resolved properly. Chris has always been great to deal with and appropriately addresses any concerns I have without questioning.

    And since both Chris and Troy are here, I have one request. More products in bulk! I have never understood why U.S retailers like Autogeek have the majority of product lines from Optimum, Menzerna, Poorboys, and Meguiars available in gallon sizes while we only get the smaller formats.I understand that average consumers don't want the large sizes, but for us detail guys, it's much more cost effective!
  11. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Yes having autoobsessed as a forum sponsor would be a great addition to the forum. We used to have autowerkesexclusive representing Western Canada but since Ken has left there has been no replacement. It's not like car detailing is a foreign concept in Canada so having only an Eastern retailer in Canada isn't the truest representation of all detailers in Canada. There is certainly a growing presence of Canadians roaming detailing forums.

    I don't see autoobsessed taking business away from detailersdomain any time soon seeing as how they're across the border. I've contemplated orders with detailersdomain before but after factoring in the shipping cost, it simply doesn't make sense to place the order when I can purchase within Canada at a lower/similar price after shipping. I have purchased from detailersdomain before but on that occasion I had it sent to a friend in the States who was coming to visit. In that instance, I avoided all shipping costs which was great but it's not like that will be occurring all the time for me. The majority of my detailing supplies have since come from autoobsessed thanks to the incredible selection of products and helpful customer service from Troy. With him as a sponsor, I'd be able to further support this forum by purchasing from a sponsored retailer.
  12. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    True it is more cost effective for us but we are a very small group in comparison to the majority of people who do their own personal cars and call it a day. It most likely isn't very cost effective for them to be bringing in gallon sizes of polishes when they don't have the demand to justify the costs. Canada's population is a bit under 35 million whereas the States is over 310 million. Proportionally, it makes sense their retailers carry gallon sizes seeing as how their customer base is that much larger. I imagine your best option for grabbing gallon sizes of polishes without the insane shipping fees is to take a little road trip down to the States.
  13. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    It is very unusual a customer has three strikes with us. Sorry you had to be the exception. At least by the sounds of it we did take care of you.
  14. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    We forget how much drama sells now is a good time to say tomorrow's the last day for our 12 days of Christmas sale!!!!!!! Lmoa!!
  15. frankiman

    frankiman Birth of a Detailer

    Everything end up OK. I admit, but it took times and a couples of emails. beeing charged twice when I never authorized the payment ( the person took my cc info from my previous order) is something I call a fraud, I called visa saying I got charged an unauthorize charge and I was expecting a bit more than a ''sorry'' not to say it took like 2 weeks to get refunded..

    or when 2 of my towel were bad, you accepted to send 2 more but then I asked to add cquartz in the box and then you asked me to pay the shipping, that was cheap.

    Sorry for the off-topic.
  16. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

    I'm not saying they should carry everything in bulk, but at least some of the more popular stuff like Powerfinish, M105, PO85RD, Poliseal, etc.
  17. eShine

    eShine DB Pro Supporter

    I would question much of this but this is not the proper way. If there is anything we can still do just call or email.
  18. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    We would be glad to help anytime!

    We are adding items all of the time, and as we get more requests for an item we tend to carry it.

    Thanks v|nsan|ty, be sure to stop by in March and I'll take you for a tour! :)

    We can also add special order items when we order our large orders, we will just add it to the shipment.
  19. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Yeah that sounds good. I pass by the area fairly regularly too.
  20. GloomyX

    GloomyX Birth of a Detailer

    Too bad no expansion into Calgary!!!!!

    However kudos for expanding your business!

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