An interview with

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by togwt, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    An interview with

    Avatar: What does it mean-
    Just a nice picture of my car after my winter prep.

    What do you like most about detailing?
    jeweling and applying LSP.

    What are your favourite products/processes and why?
    i love menz polishes for obvious reasons, uber pads because they're straight forward and work great (and because someone finally made a nice yellow compounding pad!), my makita, SV pneu is awesome, blackfire wetdiamond is my favorite sealant because it looks sick on all colors (esp. black) and its SUPER slick, and Colli 845 because its cheap, looks amazing, is crazy durable and easy to use. oh i just love using blue or black pads when finishing, its just so nice when you get those perfect broken down ribbons of 85RD that you can just work forever.

    What’s your dream car(s) and why?
    i'd like to have an R8 or a GT2 one day. RS4 will be my daily driver.

    What’s your favourite previously owned automobile?
    i love the GTI i have now, but i loved my A4 as well.

    Tell me about your first detail?
    my first detail i charged for was kinda rough to be honest. i did a good job, but it wasnt perfect and the guy was SUPER picky and a prick about it.

    What’s the best thing you’ve learned?
    how to master the rotary. at first the key thing i learned was to let the machine do the "work" and not to fight it. you always lose. respect the rotary.

    What are some of your other hobbies and interests?
    i love audis/vw's/porsches, and enjoy modifying them.

    Do you have any pets?
    not anymore. RIP Mandy. hoping to get a german shepherd puppy next year though.

    Name three techniques that you think you should share to fellow Detailers.
    learn how to use pressure and speed with the rotary to your advantage, always triple check your work, and always be open to trying new products/processes. you've never learned it all.

    Where are you from and where do you live now?
    i am from philadelphia, but now live in the suburbs.

    What was your first car and what got you interested in keeping cars perfect?
    my first car was a 94 jeep grand cherokee. getting my audi was what got me keeping cars perfect. i cherished that thing.

    Current automobiles-
    2008 VW GTI

    What motivates you to detail?
    extra income and the fact that i hate seeing nice cars that are neglected.

    Would you ever pay someone else to detail your car?
    not as long as im physically able.

    Does detailing run in the family at all, or are you the only normal one?
    im the only one.

    What is your favourite part about detailing?
    standing back and admiring my work when im finished.

    If detailing is a hobby for you, would you like to do it full time, or do you feel that it would take the fun out of it?
    i wouldnt mind doing it full time. oh wait, i do. i honestly forgot at first, lol.

    What is your favourite car to detail and why?
    i like working on audis because the clearcoat is challenging. porsches are nice because i love their curves and body lines.

    Do you prefer to detail a Supercar or everyday car?
    while i do enjoy working on high end cars, turning a turd into a gem is more rewarding.

    What detailing tool do you think every detailer should have in their arsenal? (Excluding the obvious stuff like wash mitts etc.)
    good quality microfibers, ONR, and Collinite 845.

    What are your current favourite brands and why?
    Einszette, Autoglym, CG, ohh theres too much.

    What do you do when you’re not detailing?
    lol, sleep. and spend time with my girlfriend.

    A few quick fire questions:

    • Ferrari or Lamborghini?

    • Wax or Sealant?
    depends. moreso sealants lately.

    • Rotary or Orbital Polisher

    • Hamburger / French fries or Healthy food
    doesnt matter.

    • Coffee or Cola
    neither. redbull baby.

    Other Things

    That’s my story, what’s yours?[/QUOTE]

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