I've tried a combo of M105/D300 and that works well, gets the dust down to nil, but - try 3D's UNO, works better and you don't have to buy 2 products.
I've tried and traded my hydro tech pads. If you use the KBM - they will rip in no time flat. LC came out with a thinner version to address that...
I think 4 Star is the daddy to a lot others - they have a chemical plant down in Florida. And I know they private lable for some.
If Bob says A is better than C, that's good enough for me!
Never used ARO - but my friends that have say it smells just like Bleech White.
My complaint about Glanz is that it can be blotchy and rehaze in spots. I'm in a humid enviroment most of the time. I've had simular issues with...
+1 on the BleechWhite, then go over with a regular APC, should scrub and have the soap look white on the sidewalls, if not - start over.
Well, sorry to rain on the Glanz but I think there are far better products available - BFWD, AG HD, 3D's POXY I used Glanz a couple times and...
Cool, I'm glad to see Megs get some competition on the MF pads. I really believe that MF pads are the future and one manufacturer doesn't need to...
I've heard the MF pads are available, but aren't on the web site yet. So, who's going to be the first to try them?
2 comments - 13 bucks for a little paint brush you can get a the dollar store? and use a tire sponge for Pete's sake!
Well - Stig, I appreciate your confidence in me. But don't just take my word for it, Kevin Brown is also a big fan and has more time with MF pads...
Marring? monstrous amount of cut? what is your technique? I use the MF cutting pad with M105/D300 mix and didn't get any marring. I use a PCXP,...
Sorry, haven't been on here in a while. Honestly, UNO v3 is about all I care to use now. It's truely pad dependant, meaning you can use it with a...
As far as the kit goes, I'd just buy the 5.5" cutting pads, D300 and add it to my stash of detailing products. I've had better performance out of...
Recently sold my LC Hydro pads - buying more Megs MF pads!
I've had good luck with Goo Gone.
I have used all the Menzerna line as well as most of the Megs line too. Recently I tried 3D's UNO on Megs 5" MF pads - it's the best I've seen. I...
Clay - I like Clay Magic blue and their lube - #49 Body Shine, then quick wash/rinse/polish, I always polish after claying. AG HD - I like the red...
Foam - I like 5.5" pads with the CG fat backing plate, wool - 6.5 -7.5 but I tend to go for smaller if I can for reasons Stokdgs already said.
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