Foam Pads 101 Foam Pad Dependency All abrasive polishes are ‘foam pad and applied pressure dependant’ as far as their paint correction abilities...
Testing Micro fibre A couple of ‘non-scientific test’ you could use to assimilate wither or not a towel will cause scratches, they are not at...
The Bag Test Even new cars that have been sitting on a car dealerships lot for a few weeks can accumulate contamination that bonds to the paint...
Swipe Test The most common mistakes made when applying a wax or a sealant is to apply too much product and removing it too soon.
Polish Methodology Evaluation (polishes and pad selection) Diagnosis is the key; not guesswork; examine the vehicles bodywork, a ‘bag-test will...
The Removal of Silicone Polymers Polishing is a mechanical process; silicone is a product that has been designed not to be removed by mechanical...
Anhydrous Isopropyl alcohol [Molecular formula C3H7OH: Proper Name: Isopropanolind] contains approx. 99% isopropyl alcohol, is a colourless liquid...
16 C Galibier: The ultimate family car - Bugatti 16 C Galibier: The ultimate family car - Yahoo! Cars
Research Research others opinions and products, test them and then make an objective decision based upon factual information not marketing hype...
Liability The information contained
A woman went into a store to buy her husband a pet for his birthday. After looking around, she found that all the pets were very expensive. She...
Using Micro Fibre Towels The first thing you should do when you get a new micro fibre towel is to wash and dry it. During the manufacturing...
Some detailers find that a polymer sealant tends have a flat, silvered mirror look. Adding a Carnauba wax to the surface provides depth of shine,...
Geneva 2010: Ferrari's first hybrid - Yahoo! Cars
BUSINESS FEATURE: Featheredge, Prime and Block: Case Closed The EPA’s new 6H Rule proves that Featheredge, Prime and Block (FPB) is a paint...
A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology, which explained the phenomenon of "mixed emotions" where someone is...
Upcoming Cars 2010 - [FFO] Upcoming Cars 2010 !!!!!‏
Auto detailing is the practice of performing an extremely thorough cleaning of an automobile, both inside and out. Paint renovation is the removal...
An interview with How did your band get its start? How long have you been selling your company’s products? Tell me about the first product...
As a way of getting to know the contributors to this forum I though this may be a way to ask ' answer questions about each other An interview...
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