New Profile Posts

  1. Frankastic
    Frankastic cu2mike
    what camera do you have Mike? I just got the T3i 7 months I will play with it for awhile before upgrading to something like a 7D.
  2. daveinsweethome
    daveinsweethome piginapoke
    got a makita or de walt. both nice. either one 60 bucks your choice we could meet halfway in alsea and swap tool and stories. i live in sweet home daveinsweethome phone number 541-409-6961 nice tools your choice
  3. cu2mike
    cu2mike Frankastic
    T3i is pretty decent, but if you like Canon and would like to stay in the Canon family then 7D would be worth your while (Good for business = excuse to get new toy, lol)
  4. Frankastic
    my garage is 14 ft wide and 21 ft deep...kind of small... I have canon T3i, noob DSLR hehe
  5. cu2mike
    cu2mike Frankastic
    lol just saw your garage in that Z4M thread, that is kind of small.
    Out of curiosity, which Canon do you have?
  6. cu2mike
    cu2mike Kilo6_one
    Oh if you decide to get Valet Pro snow foam, try the Citrus Bling as well. It received very high review scores from detailing world
  7. Frankastic
    Wow Mike, nice kit you have there! too bad my garage is kind of small... so that setup is kinda hassle to move around.
  8. cu2mike
    cu2mike Frankastic
  9. Frankastic
    is that a external flash? I thinking of get the 580ex or 430ex for my Canon.
  10. cu2mike
    cu2mike Frankastic
    Incorporate my 320 watts studio strobes into my detail. No matter the lightning condition, my studio strobe will light up a car and show defects like nothing ever will, lol
  11. Frankastic
    what is it Mike?
  12. cu2mike
    cu2mike Frankastic
    Dude I just had the most brilliant idea ever, but it requires you to be an enthusiast photographer or more lol
  13. cu2mike
    cu2mike 911Fanatic
    I just had the most brilliant idea ever!!!! ^_^
    It was staring at me in my face for so long too, haha
  14. cu2mike
    cu2mike TWISTEDFRAME
  15. cu2mike
    cu2mike Auto Concierge
  16. onebaucom
    onebaucom detailersdomain
    did you get my message i sent? don't know if it went through or not...
  17. cu2mike
    cu2mike mike aesthetica
    Oh Mikey Mike, come on AIM yeah?
    [b]"The boost-induced adrenaline rush that is an aggressively tuned TURBO
    car pulling at the reigns in anger is profoundly tempting. Evan Griffey TM"[/b]
  19. detailersdomain
    sorry we no longer carry AG.
  20. brandon defeo
    brandon defeo detailersdomain
    hey phil I bought the subcription to this forum... however it still wont let me sell in the classifieds section. thank you.