Writing a Detailing Article

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by togwt, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Writing a Detailing Article

    “Rerum cognoscere causas” to understand the causes of things - London School of Economics Motto

    Recommended Products
    In the interest of full disclosure, I am in no way affiliated with, employed by, have any vested interest, or in any way receive compensation from the sale or distribution of the product lines reviewed or the company that manufactures or markets it.

    Results Obtained
    These articles are not intended to warrant or guarantee any results with any of the products mentioned. No endorsement of companies or their products mentioned is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar companies or their products not mentioned. The author does not provide, nor guarantee and is not responsible or liable for any third-party products or services. Brand, product and company names used throughout these articles are trademarks of their respective companies and are used for product identification purposes only.

    Proper Technique
    A sound understanding of the proper technique and the correct process will produce excellent results even with a mediocre product. A quality product used without the proper surface preparation or application technique will never obtain a satisfactory result. Using the proper methodology (surface preparation, using a quality product, along with the correct application technique) will ensure an excellent result.

    Skill Level / Experience
    Some methods described may be beyond the capabilities of the average detailer or enthusiast; in this case we strongly encourage the reader to consult a professional detailer or body shop concerning the matters discussed herein.

    The writer assumes no responsibility, expressed or implied, due to misuse or misinterpretation of the information or methods used, or for any vehicle damage or injury that may occur due to the suggestions and information offered.

    Product Quality and Technique
    Proceed with this in mind; the products you use constitute a very small factor in the equation. Methodology and technique constitute 95%; the reasoning behind the choice of quality products is to eliminate any limiting factors, thus enabling you to place emphasis on technique used. There is no `one correct way' to apply a product; the way detailing products are customized are what each individual finds give them their desired results

    The aesthetics- of a vehicles appearance is very subjective to say the least, the only best wax or sealant that really matters is what looks 'best' to you. In the final analysis it all come down to; 85% preparation, 5% product, 7% application methodology and the balance is in the ‘guy’ of the beholder

    Research others opinions and products, test them and then make an objective decision based upon factual information not marketing hype or brand loyalty. I have always thought that the more facts and information you have at hand the easier it is to judge what information you are being given. After all, how can you fully understand and properly use any product unless you have all the facts?

    Detailing products should work on their real merits, not ‘smoke and mirrors'. Most importantly - choose carefully whose advice you listen to, and more importantly what advice you act upon, so I would strongly suggest that you verify any information that I or anyone else shares with you.

    This is not a product vendor’s catalogue, nor am I a vendor pretending to be an educator, as there are a lot of company's that are now sponsoring forums, preaching that only the product they sell or manufacture are suitable. In reality they are just advertisements, with the appearance of educators as opposed to mere salesman. Commercialism brings with it concerns of honesty and true representation.

    In other words, it’s difficult to know what is true when someone is motivated by income, i.e. directly targeted at product sales, more so than an unbiased opinion. It is my intent to educate and pass on five decades of experience to my readers in not only the “How it works’ but “Why it works”. Because I’m passionate about I do and care about making sure detailing is a fun and rewarding experience for the enthusiast

    I don’t write these articles as a thesis so I don’t spend a lot of time cataloguing and documenting were I source information, I do however cite reference books or articles and have supplied references for further information / research.

    This is how I go about writing an article
    The proper way to find out what works and what doesn't is to read the label or relevant MSDS and find out what it contains; a combination of knowledge and experience of using the product will guide you the rest of the way. If a product is not working for you, experiment until you find one that’s suitable for your needs.

    Purchase the product that is to be the subject of the article, read the manufacturers application instructions and then obtain and read the MSDS sheet to ascertain the chemicals used, although it should be said that an MSDS is a document that contains details of the hazards associated with a particular chemical and provides information regarding its safe use. The MSDS is required to state the chemical's risks, safety and impact on the environment.

    They are not actual formulations but are primarily used for the safe handling, shipping, storage and disposal of chemicals and usually only list chemical families, not the actual chemical. How to Read a Material Safety Data Sheet | CMHC When it comes to product marketing and technical specifications, it is also important to realize that all companies must keep secure their proprietary information and agreements. Without this, no business would have the incentive to develop new products, expand their market, stay competitive, and ultimately - exist.

    Detailing combines chemicals, equipment as well as a knowledge of vehicle surfaces, ‘Chemicals’, refers to the cleaning and protection products used, ‘Equipment’, refers to the tools used, for example, random orbital polishers, high-speed rotary polishers, extractors and power washers, to name a few. ‘Vehicle Surfaces’, requires a basic understanding of chemistry and how to rejuvenate and protect each of the many and varied material surfaces, regardless of its specific surface composition making objectives observations based upon the results obtained, and adjusting the techniques used as necessary

    Detailing also takes willingness to experiment, which usually means deviating from the product manufacturer’s directions, making objectives observations based upon the results obtained, and adjusting the techniques and products used as necessary, always keeping an open mind on manufacturer’s claims for their products.

    Knowledge - base your decision to use a product on scientific fact not marketing hype, as a manufacturer is free to place any claim of excellence he wants on his product to make it sell, I only endorse a product that I have personal experience of by using it, rather than personal preference, brand loyalty or emotions. After four decades of detailing vehicles what is left is experience, and experience unshared is knowledge wasted. I hope that you too enjoy the learning process as much as I do and with the help of the techniques and methods in these articles your vehicle will become something to have pride in, or perhaps even become a “Best of Show” Concours d’élégance winner

    I’ve made the mistakes – so that you don’t have to: there are many car care products and tools on these pages, each and every one of these ‘wannabes’ had to prove itself to pass the old grey whistle test. For each item that succeeded there were at least ten or more that failed to make the passing grade. Testing involved many months of trail and error until the winners appeared, products that do what the manufacturer says they will and more. The hard work has already been done for you.

    Some vehicles clear coats are ‘hard’ and some are ‘soft’, what works for one may not do so well on the other, so a lot of trial and error is generally required. The same applies to the materials used on the vehicles interior.

    Once I have purchased the product I try to use it on as many different vehicles as possible and compare it to other products I’ve used, trying to ensure that the testing is carried out on ‘like’ surfaces before publishing a recommendation. Sometimes the manufacturer’s instructions are adjusted to accomplish the results I desire.

    A relatively easy product attribute to quantify is a waxes or polymer sealant durability, whereas ‘looks’ are very subjective and therefore must remain a personal preference. “Beauty is in the ‘guy’ of the beholder

    A question I’m often asked; “How much time do you put in to your articles?”
    The answer is dependant upon the subject matter and how much research is involved. I would estimate that a ‘simple’ article would take 2-3 days, whereas some can take weeks for research alone

    “Why do you take the time to write these articles”? It is definitely not to bolster my ego, nor for fame and fortune, it is just my intent to educate, based on five plus decades of experience; passing on to my readers not just a How it works, but also a “Why” it works, as well as an explanation of the scientific terminology and chemicals involved with detailing products.

    I try to write in a way that helps the reader to understand not only "How" to do something, but "Why" they are doing it, along with the technical, scientific facts along with any relevant chemical information, but if you’ve read any of my forum posts / threads you'll already understand just what I mean

    I've always believed in empowering my reader’s with facts based on knowledge, experience and scientific facts as opposed to marketing hype and letting them make their own logical decisions. Because I’m passionate about what I do and care about making sure detailing is a safe, fun and rewarding experience for the enthusiast and professional detailer

    Why share knowledge? I take time out of my day to contribute to these forums to educate and pass on five decades of experience to its members in not only the “How it works’ but “Why it works” and in turn be educated by them. Because I’m passionate about I do and care about making sure detailing is a fun and rewarding experience for the enthusiast.

    Information resource

    Automotive Detailing Inside & Out; a Knowledge Base for the Perfectionist– by Jon Miller

    © TOGWT ™ Ltd Copyright 2002-2008, all rights reserved

    Detailing Articles
    This is one of is one of a series of unbiased and informative, knowledge based, subject specific articles, which are dedicated to the automotive detailing enthusiast or professional detailer in search of development and further education

    Copyright Protection and intellectual property rights-© This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service that supports international copyright protection by securing independent evidence that will help prove originality and ownership in any future claims or disputes.

    All original material is copyright, unless otherwise state (1) it may be copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes only provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original material, (2) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from TOGWT, and a reference to © TOGWT ™ is included, any unauthorized use of these materials may violate copyrights and/or trademarks

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