1. denti

    denti Virgin Detailer


    so i'm wondering what you would recommend for a wheel wax type thing.

    wash the car every other month but by the 2-3rd week in i get the usual brake dust on the front wheels. wondering if there's a type of wax you guys use on the rims to help with the brake dust?

    take care
  2. Vinbags44

    Vinbags44 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I just starting using the Mint wax for wheels from Auto Finnesse. Great stuff. Easy to work with too.
  3. Tegeler

    Tegeler Two Bucket System Washer

    Recently for up keep I have been using Adams spray sealant with good results. Super easy to just spray on and even out and gives good protection. Makes the next wash really easy
  4. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    I have had great luck with Optimum Poli-Seal.
  5. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Opti coat. anything else is going to fade away.
    dblackn likes this.
  6. React

    React Birth of a Detailer

    Yup take em off and do them right once a year...I dont use apc or wheel cleaner ever
  7. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    My vote for an inexpensive wheel wax/sealant that will last a very long time is 845 or 476s. Makes cleaning wheels a breeze.
    BraveSTi likes this.
  8. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    Wolf's rim shields works great its been on my wheels all winter and still going strong.
  9. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    ^^^i used HB on a set of wheels, actually held up very well for the 6 months I had those wheels they made cleaning a breeze
  10. BraveSTi

    BraveSTi New Member

    I second that..
  11. jplants1

    jplants1 New Member

    got a suggestion for white painted wheels? I know they are a pain to clean, but they look great when they are.
  12. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    Opticoat is the best!

    Collinite/Optiseal / Spray wax will work as well. Depends on the wheel usage.
  13. Charlie Tuna

    Charlie Tuna New Member

    I've had success with Hydo2. I have never tried Opticoat and thats on my to do list.
  14. JordanL

    JordanL Virgin Detailer

    I've used Hyd02 on wheels as well and it wasn't bad, But my vote goes to the 845. Great stuff for paint and wheels. I have 2 coats on a BMW right now and I wouldn't say it repels the brake dust,
    But I can tell you it makes it a whole lot easier to clean. If you have the time and money I personally would go with some opti coat.

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