What should a neophyte do to become a good detaile

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by togwt, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    What should a neophyte do to become a good detailer?

    Detailing is both "Art and Science." The science includes such elements as chemicals, equipment, and knowledge of vehicle surfaces, industry standards, and customer requirements. The art of detailing is the activity of combining these elements into products and their proper application methodologies that produce an aesthetically pleasing outcome for each specific situation.

    Become educated on what different materials are used in vehicles and how to tell the differences between them. Learn about different car care products and how to apply them. There are major differences in the proper care of different finishes, i.e. single stage paint as opposed a paint system with a clear coat, clear coated wheels as opposed to unfinished, polished wheel surfaces, leather upholstery that has a polyurethane covering as opposed to an unfinished, natural leather

    Become active on an Internet detailing forum as they discuss detailing products and their proper application methodology Read and seek opinions of experienced detailers, there is no ‘dumb question’ forum contributors are usually more than glad to help answering questions. Always remembering to research others opinions and products, test them and then make an objective decision based upon factual information not marketing hype or brand loyalty. I have always thought that the more facts and information you have at hand the easier it is to judge what information you are being given. After all, how can you fully understand and properly use any product unless you have all the facts? In the final analysis; it’s your vehicle, your hard earned money and your choice.

    Detailing relies on the correct preparation procedures and the correct methodology to obtain pristine results. Methodology and technique constitute 95%; the reasoning behind the choice of quality products is to eliminate any limiting factors, thus enabling you to place emphasis on technique used.

    Focusing on one person’s methodologies or the products they use will seriously limit your detailing experience and knowledge. Most importantly - choose carefully whose advice you listen to, and more importantly what advice you act upon. The misinformation and myths that are so prevalent in the detail industry is the reason that detailers need to do research on their own. I would strongly suggest that you verify any information anyone else shares with you.

    Car care chemicals are the most misunderstood component auto detailing, they should work on their real merits, not ‘smoke and mirrors'. Proceed with this in mind; the products you use constitute a very small factor in the equation. Learn how to find and read material data sheets (MSDS) the information included aids in the selection of safe products, helping you understand the potential health and physical hazards of a chemical and describes how to respond effectively to exposure situations. Learn how to identify and what is needed to protect you from health hazards and how to work safely

    See also Detailing 101 in this section of the DB forum

    An extract from one of a series of unbiased Detailing Technical Papers, a library of educational materials that has become the #1 reference for car care on the Internet

    Chances are you'll learn something about detailing if you read any of these; although these articles will not improve your detailing skills, lead to a successful business or change your life. Applying what you learn from it, however, will. That's where your commitment comes in - you need to make a commitment to yourself right now that you will take action on what you learn.

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