What an amazing car, leaps and bounds better from the S5. I'll truly miss my old S5, and whoever gets her is getting one pretty well maintained car. Anyway the M3 has been nothing, but a joy. She's gonna nap till Sunday to get a quick prep for the clear bra on Monday. I'll get some better pics up soon as possible- these are shitty from my BB.
Thanks guys, definitely some better pics tomorrow after some Menzerna 85rd and Powerlock. Ken that does sound great care to donate some RG55 to the protect my M3 from the elements foundation
why did you trade her in? I really like new M3s, but I also like new S5s! Love those blade-shaped wheels on those!
My first car back when I was 17 was an STi and that car was just an all out amazing drivers car. I ended up keeping that car for about 3 years. When I got the S5, in comparison to the STi it felt big, numb and just far from a drivers car. Don't get me wrong it was beautiful and did everything pretty well for a heavy GT car, just never filled the void of the STi characteristics. Also, the S5 was manual and my mom wanted to drive a car a few times out of the month so as long as she's paying half I'm cool with it :thumb:
That is sick dude, congrats. How is the new BMW twin-clutch tranny? I once drove an E46 M3 with SMG and I really wasn't crazy about it.
Should be the same as the VW DSG that I have in my GTI, now that the VW exclusive rights are up they are showing up in many cars.
I think the tranny is butter. Its much improved over the old smg. In a race the DCT will easily pull away from a manual M3. Plus the added launch control makes it even sweeter
LC is nice, dont know how firm the BMW variant is but shifts are smooth and keep power going in a almost un-interrupted manner during shifts. Like the new M3s, drove a friend and it was pretty nice...though i would like to see a M1
What about 85rd, Powerlock, then Insignis? <----dream team. THe J man is just so resistant on using his, though. Insignis :