The 4th Annual Ridley Creek State Park BBQ & Picnic- October 14, 2012 in PA

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Misha, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    Alright guys it's that time of the year again...well maybe a bit late It's time for the 4th Annual Meet and BBQ and as always, I am ready to help achieve a big turnout!The BBQ and meet will be at the same ole Ridley Creek State Park location, and will be better than ever. Also as always, we will be BBQ'ng up tons of burgers and maybe some chicken, all with the support of the fellow tst'ers and guests alike. I will do my best to host a raffle with a small, but generous twist, for charity this go around. This all depends on what response I get from our great forum vendors, and also who can help guide us in what charity to choose from!

    Let's get started since every great event needs a stepping stone.

    When: Sunday October 14, 2012
    Place: Ridley Creek State Park
    350 Gradyville Road, Edgmont PA
    Location in the Park: Picnic Area #11 which was the same spot as the last time!
    Time: 11AM- Sunset or the last person leaves!!

    Many, many more details and lists to follow! All updates will be added to this post and the food and or vendor list as well as attendee list will be updated and added to page 1 as well. Subscribe to this thread, spread the word, and lets make this the biggest meet, rather the 2nd biggest meet, of the TST season!! Also if someone wants to create a FB event page and link to this thread that would be appreciated greatly.

    Rules for the meet:
    1. It is a state park, so therefore do not do anything that will jeopardize this.
    2. Myself and staff have no problems reporting license plates, especially since they will be taken down car by car
    3. A few of the staff members know the local PD, and one, who is a local officer, will be undercover and in an unmarked, untinted car patrolling. Again have respect for the time we are putting into this, and do not be childish
    4. If you are immature, or have a friend that is immature, do not spoil your reputation and just fly solo, or do not invite said friend.
    5. HAVE FUN, enjoy the weather, their will be some organized sports set up etc!!


    please bring something when you come. we going to be grilling so any burgers or buns or chesse will be good

    here is what we have so far

    Boxes of Hamburgers (need anywhere from 100 plus burgers):stevesolara-1 box; 2gTalon- 1 box; zaior- 2 packs of bubba; 05GT- 2 boxes; STI-lin- 1 box; agovinoaccord- 2 boxes; nissamax- 2 boxes; grammond- 1 box
    Boxes of Hot dogs (need anywhere from 100 plus dogs): vette50th-1 pack; stevesolara-1 box; boostedfury- 2 packs; nissamax- 2 packs; Audigeorge- 52 dogs; Andrewtc- 2 packs
    Chicken: vette50th-1 pack
    ****Hamburger Rolls (again 100 plus): zaior- 2 bags; gtikevin- 2 bags; TomZ- 16 buns
    Hot Dog Buns (100 plus): gtikevin- 2 bags; boostedfury- 2 bags; Audigeorge- 52 buns; Andrewtc- 2 packs
    American Cheese packs (8 packs...can never have enough and usually we run out fast): stevesolara-1 pk; zaior- 7 packs
    Plain Chips (8 bags): boostedfury- 1 bag; 04av6spd- 1 bag
    Doritos (8 bags): richspeed3- 2 bags
    Cheese Curls (8 bags): 04av6spd- 1 bag
    Ketchup Bottle (need 2): 05accent 1 bottle stevesolara 1 bottle
    Mustard Bottle (need 2): stevesolara 1 bottle

    Drinks, Ice:

    12 packs of coke or pepsi: awdgs- 1 pk pepsi; awdgs- 1 pk coke;; richspeed3- 2 cases coke; TomZ- 1 case
    12 packs of diet coke or pepsi: awdgs- 1 pk diet pepsi; awdgs- 1 pk diet coke;
    12 packs of root beer: Brianb351- 3 cases
    Cases of Bottled Water: stevesolara-1 case
    Bags of Ice at least 100lbs is needed: Boostedfury 2 bags
    Big Coolers for the drinks and food: 01Nighthawk- 2 large coolers boostedfury- 1 cooler; 04av6spd- 1 filled with ice

    Utensils etc:

    Paper Plates: awdgs
    Eating Utensils: Big Plastic Bowls for Chips, etc. (need around 10 bowls):
    Napkins: awdgs
    Big Trash bags (1 box should do): 04av6spd

    Grilling Accessories:

    Bags of Easy Lite Charcoal (5 bags): Hickrocket1258- 1 bag
    Aluminum Foil for the Park Grills: Hickrocket158
    Lighter Fluid( 2 bottles in case people bring traditional charcoal):Grill Brushes to clean grills: (3-4 needed):
    Metal Turners (3-4 needed):
    Metal Tongs (3-4 needed):
    Grill Fork:

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