Suggestion for an all in one

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by bjsdjs300, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. bjsdjs300

    bjsdjs300 Virgin Detailer

    i have optimum compound and it works ok but im looking for something with more cut. i used a lake country orange pad. i liked it because even after i was done it was as good as one of the panels i polished after compounding. i want to know if theres any good all in one polishes with some good cut to it. i was looking at gloss-it all in one.:help: or suggest a good combo that arent too costly.
  2. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Menzerna PO203 is a great polish, but the darlings right now are Meg's 105/205.
  3. kaptain_zero

    kaptain_zero Virgin Detailer

    If you mean an ALL IN ONE product that has cut, polish and lsp then I'd suggest Megs D151. Apparently good correction ability, and if you let it dry and then wipe off, it will leave a decent protective coating.


  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Unfortunately the "protection" part of any AIO is going to be subject. My advice would be to use a polish like Menz Power Finish or Scholl S17 and follow up with a spray sealant like Werkstat or Optimum if you're pressed for time.
  5. bjsdjs300

    bjsdjs300 Virgin Detailer

    well i have wax and sealants. i want a good compound/ polish something ill only need to once. so i dont have to compound and then polish
  6. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    Menzerna PO203 "Power Finish" is probably going to be your best bet, then. Just be sure to work it long enough to get it to finish down.
  7. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    which pad do you guys find you use with 203 for best results? which pad for hard paints and then which pad for soft paints also, if you were using a DA like a flex or pc.

    I know someone that uses 203 with a lc green pad all over the car and follows up with an AIO to remove any last halograms (if they put any in the paint) and/or hair scratches left behind. he says it works really well.

    so menzerna 203 and then 1Z Einszett Metallic Polish & Wax is your best bet to really give a great polish "and" an AIO with great results. choose this AIO product because it does not stain the trim like menzerna's AIO product does.

    good luck

  8. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I love using an Uber green or LC Green with 203. Great correction and great finish!
  9. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    what speeds do you hit the 203 at with a rotary and also with a pc? with a pc usually I go all out at 6 or 5 speed unless jeweling and I prefer a rotary for that and I do 1500 then down to 1000 and it always turns out great.

  10. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I love that combo, usually leaves the finish LSP ready and gives such great clarity. I use this pretty often if the paint isn't horrible.
  11. bjsdjs300

    bjsdjs300 Virgin Detailer

    i really want to try that scholl s17! wanna sell a sample if u have it?
  12. richy

    richy Guest

    I concur on the 203 and don't forget that you can always get creative and mix a few things up. Some 203 to 95rd at 2/3 to 1/3 will give less correction by a slightly nicer finish. Green LCC pads work well with this product but depending on how nice the finish is to begin with, you could always back it down to a blue or black pad to really make it jump. Cover with a Carnuba or Sealant of choice and Bob's Your Uncle.

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