Show Car Photography

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by togwt, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Does the camera ever lie?

    • Take photographs when the sun is setting
    • Use digital a photograph in an editing software picture editing program (i.e. Paint Shop Professional X1) you can also adjust contrast, and white balance from the camera
    • White balance- tweaking the white balance so the white paint appears to have incredible "depth" to show that a given LSP imparts that look is somehow crossing a line.
    • Open the digital photos in a picture editing software program (i.e. Paint Shop Pro XI) and use the tools to "sharpen" the image.

    Is this then cheating? Liken it to the ‘air-brushed’ photographs of fashion models or celebrities, it has very little to do with reality, you are creating an illusion that people ‘want’ to believe (just be careful what claims you make for a product though with ‘enhanced’ photographs (i.e.’ Truth in Advertising’)

    Ghost Writing

    A ghost-writer is a professional writer who is paid to draft or edit, articles, reports, or other texts that are credited to another person. Ghost-writers may have varying degrees of involvement in the production of a finished work; while some are hired to edit the technical content and clean up a rough draft, in other cases, they do most of the writing based on a rough outline provided by the credited author. For some projects, chemists or other technical personnel will do a substantial amount of the research.

    Did you really think Britany Spears or Katie Price really write books on their own? ;)
  2. Aesop

    Aesop Jedi Nuba

    I have a pro do some photos after I detail some cars, the difference in the reflection and gloss is really non existent. They just look better overall.

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