Removing Oxidation or scratches from Vehicle headl

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by togwt, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Removing Oxidation or scratches from Vehicle headlights

    Recommended Products
    In the interest of full disclosure, I am in no way affiliated with, employed by, have any vested interest, or in any way receive compensation from the sale or distribution of the product lines reviewed or the company that manufactures or markets it.

    Results Obtained
    These articles are not intended to warrant or guarantee any results with any of the products mentioned. No endorsement of companies or their products mentioned is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar companies or their products not mentioned. The author does not provide, nor guarantee and is not responsible or liable for any third-party products or services. Brand, product and company names used throughout these articles are trademarks of their respective companies and are used for product identification purposes only.

    Proper Technique
    A sound understanding of the proper technique and the correct process will produce excellent results even with a mediocre product. A quality product used without the proper surface preparation or application technique will never obtain a satisfactory result. Using the proper methodology (surface preparation, using a quality product, along with the correct application technique) will ensure an excellent result.

    Skill Level / Experience
    Some methods described may be beyond the capabilities of the average detailer or enthusiast; in this case we strongly encourage the reader to consult a professional detailer or body shop concerning the matters discussed herein.

    The writer assumes no responsibility, expressed or implied, due to misuse or misinterpretation of the information or methods used, or for any vehicle damage or injury that may occur due to the suggestions and information offered.

    Product Quality and Technique
    Proceed with this in mind; the products you use constitute a very small factor in the equation. Methodology and technique constitute 95%; the reasoning behind the choice of quality products is to eliminate any limiting factors, thus enabling you to place emphasis on technique used. There is no `one correct way' to apply a product; the way detailing products are customized are what each individual finds give them their desired results.

    The aesthetics- of a vehicles appearance is very subjective to say the least, the only best wax or sealant that really matters is what looks 'best' to you. In the final analysis it all come down to; 85% preparation, 5% product, 7% application methodology and the balance is in the ‘guy’ of the beholder

    Research others opinions and products, test them and then make an objective decision based upon factual information not marketing hype or brand loyalty. I have always thought that the more facts and information you have at hand the easier it is to judge what information you are being given. After all, how can you fully understand and properly use any product unless you have all the facts?

    Detailing products
    Should work on their real merits, not ‘smoke and mirrors'. Most importantly - choose carefully whose advice you listen to, and more importantly what advice you act upon, so I would strongly suggest that you verify any information that I or anyone else shares with you.

    Fog or Brake lights (polycarbonate)
    In the late 1980’s, vehicle manufacturers changed the lighting lens system materials used for head lights from glass to Lexan (plastic ) to protect expensive lamps (headlight assemblies range from 500-$700+) from flying stones and road debris. The lens starts to exhibit an opaque appearance and then a yellow hue on the outside of the lenses and can severely restrict the amount of light reaching the road. Original equipment material (OEM) suppliers started to add a UVR protection to the surface of the lens in an attempt to reduce this condition and prolong the usable life of the lens.

    The lens has a silicone-based coating applied to its outer surface, some manufacturers apply two different types of coatings to the outer surface of the lens, these coatings are mainly for UVR protection, but are also for impact and abrasion resistance, once the coating (s) fail the lens surface will occlude (clouding or yellowing) While most of the cloudiness is on the surface, severely discoloured lens cannot be brought back to optical clarity. If you live in a southern state, this discoloration can become noticeable in as little as two-years.

    Application Methodology
    •Use a solvent type cleaner (Klasse or Zaino All-In-One) if this does not remove the oxidation use a plastic polish
    •Meguiar’s PlastX contains a microscopic diminishing abrasive, which requires a little pressure when applying it to enable these abrasives to remove the discoloured plastic and expose new plastic. Or Renovo Plastic Cleaner
    •Plastic Cleaners can be used to clean and condition Perspex as well as flexible plastic but is not suitable for use on glass.
    •Prior to application of a plastic polish ensure that the window is clean and free from dust particles by washing with a soft cloth and warm water.
    •It is not advisable to use harsh cleaning detergents on plastic.
    •Shake the bottle thoroughly. Plastic polish can be hand or machine applied
    •Using a random orbital buffer with a 3.5-inch backing plate and a 4-inch (LC White) polishing pad or a terry cloth applicator
    •Place a small dab (about ½-inch diameter) of plastic polish on the foam pad or applicator.
    •Place the pad on the lens surface and turn on the machine (speed #4)
    •Polish the lens repeatedly in a left-to-right and an up and down pattern.
    •Continue polishing until all the polish is gone
    •Wipe the lens with a damp Microfiber towel
    •Inspect the lens, repeat the polishing process 2-3 times as necessary
    •Plastic polish will not remove clarity defects that are within the plastic but it will remove external/surface scratching and oxidation (yellowing)

    Alternative products
    Novus 1 - gently cleans all plastics without scratching, leaves a lustrous shine that resists fogging, repels dust, and eliminates static.
    Novus 2 - removes fine scratches, haziness, and abrasions from most plastics (exceptional for removing scratches from Plexiglas). Use repeatedly and restore faded and discoloured plastics.
    Novus 3 -removes heavy scratches and abrasions from most acrylic surfaces. Contains abrasives, not for use on eyeglasses, polycarbonate, or coated plastics, final finishing also requires the use of Novus 2 Custom Plastic Fabricators and Distributors - Modern Plastics

    b)Shine Restorer Protector
    This simple, easy to use product cleans, brightens and protects even the dullest headlights, also works great on taillights, the plastic windows in convertible tops, instrument panels, and motorcycle windscreens.DA2030 Shine Restorer Protector- Shine Restorer Protector – - 27k

    c) Lensrenew - New Life for Car Lenses – Lens Renew - New Life for Car Lenses

    Some OEM headlights have a coating applied this coating does not respond well to sanding test a small inconspicuous area. If the plastic starts to turn white, do not sand the lenses. Use a plastic polish (see Plastic Polishing)
    When sanding the lens ensure that you sand in one direction only. It's important to keep the lines as straight and uniform as possible as they are often still slightly visible even after polishing. Providing the lines are in one direction you’ll never notice them once the acrylic coating is evenly applied. Otherwise random sanding lines will distort the light beam and become a distraction

    Product specific, Inc. makes dull, yellowed headlights look like new with Clear Lights Headlight Restoration Kit. This simple, easy to use system cleans, brightens and protects even the dullest headlights. The Clear Lights Kit also works well on taillights, the plastic windows in convertible tops, instrument panels, emergency vehicle light bars, and motorcycle windscreens. (This is a professional product for multi-use, retail approx. $200)

    Information resource

    Automotive Detailing Inside & Out; a Knowledge Base for the Perfectionist– by Jon Miller

    © TOGWT ™ Ltd Copyright 2002-2008, all rights reserved

    Detailing Articles
    This is one of is one of a series of unbiased and informative, knowledge based, subject specific articles, which are dedicated to the automotive detailing enthusiast or professional detailer in search of development and further education

    Copyright Protection and intellectual property rights-© This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service that supports international copyright protection by securing independent evidence that will help prove originality and ownership in any future claims or disputes.

    All original material is copyright, unless otherwise state (1) it may be copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes only provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original material, (2) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from TOGWT, and a reference to © TOGWT ™ is included, any unauthorized use of these materials may violate copyrights and/or trademark. Be aware these files have been digitally watermarked and actually contain embedded copyright information; so they can be traced to any website on the internet if needed in a legal confrontation

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