An update to the "Polymer - Polymerization" - Polymer: - Detailing Bliss Forum Nanotechnology polymers [:the study of the controlling of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures of the size 100 nanometres or smaller in at least one dimension] [1] Nanotechnology refers to the study, creation and application of molecular materials with a particle size that is typically less than 100 nanometres (10-9, or 1-billionth of a meter denoted as nm) The significance of a polymer nano-coating is that is can form a very tight bond with the surface of most materials; including glass, paint, plastic, rubber, aluminium, chrome, stainless steel, fabrics, and leather will have surface imperfections i.e. peaks and valleys, micro-fissures when viewed under high magnification. These undulations allow a nano-coating polymer to form a tight molecular bond with the surface it’s applied to. 1. Nanotechnology polymers form a very tight matrix chain-link structure, which forms both a very strong bond and one that is not easily breached by chemicals or detergents. 2. This type of polymer coatings with its small particulate size are much smaller than those of water; making them hydrophobic (water resistant) 3. Due to their size they fill any surface irregularities (micro fissures) which results in a flat surface, one that reflects light without hindrance G-Techniq together with Bayer and BASF has devised a new coating P1 nano composite polish that can be applied to paintwork. It uses nano-technology polymers that bond with the paintwork forming a tough, transparent protective coating over the body of a car (or boat or jumbo jet). Applied too thickly it actually crystallises into a very hard rough crust – a useful demonstration of the nature of the product. Paint Refinishing System - An extract from one of a series of unbiased “Detailing Technical Papers” © TOGWT ™ Ltd Copyright 2002-2009, all rights reserved.
Apert from the fact that its available to both pro and enthusiast detailer's , they are using similar technology.
Nano polymers have been around for decades, it's only recently that companies have been using nano in their marketing.
Beading bears no relationship to surface protection. But it does look good in a photograph. I have only had the opportunity to try G techniqu and found it no harder than any other polymer I've used. Optimum Opti-Coating I have not used and therefore cannot / will not comment on it. I would be very interested in anything you or others have to share on this product