Planning a bar at home

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by pirex, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Okey, so I bought a house not to long ago, and I do have some extra place. I have always dreamed about a guys room, with a bar and extras. So now is the time to do it!

    I have the tv, coach and chairs are on its way. The only thing I need to do, is build the bar(desk) and get some bar stuff.

    Any good ideas for me here? Pictures, links to sits etc? Any webshops that sells bar equitment, poster, glasses etc?

    Some pictures of the room:


    Looks smaller on the pictures!!
  2. DG 501

    DG 501 Jedi Nuba

    :shead: Kinda hard to offer suggestions without some more information.
    Is there any plumbing you can tap into on either of the walls?
    What are the dementions of the room and the couch and chair?
    The treadmill and bike are going to be moved, right?
    Is that a heater under the window? Can it be moved easy?
  3. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    The only thing that I can help you with Is The title. It's really called (Man Town) Once you say It Couple times It will sink In. You can tell your wife you're going to man town. I read that some where. I can't remember where but I thought It was cool...:thumb:
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    You'll need some sort of sink and rubber floor mats for your bar. You could also pick up some lighting of your favorite beers or sports teams.
  5. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Find a restaurant supply store, and look around in there.

    Or, find a bar that's going out of business, and see if you can get some of the stuff they're liquidating.
  6. DLR Detailing

    DLR Detailing Jedi Nuba

    I found this place... KegWorks

    I don't know anything about this vendor, just thought they may at least give you some ideas. :shrug: Good luck. We need in progress pictures too. Looks like you have a very nice room to work with. :applause:
  7. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    I don`t think I am going to get any plumbing into the room. The coach and chairs will be under the windows. Not to big, the coach is about 2m long.

    Treadmill, bike and the funiture is going to be moved yes. The heater also. I have heat in the floor and the fireplace.

    Thanks buddy :D Man town sounds good :D

    I am not sure if I am going to have a sink, but rubber floor is a yes! I have ordered a couple of posters and pictures also :D

    Thanks for the tip!!

    NICE SITE! Thanks :D I will take pictures along. First update is tomorrow, with the new coach!
  8. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I am interested as well. I just ordered a new bar for my finished basement and am looking for some decorating ideas. Pirex let me know where u ordered your stuff from.
  9. DG 501

    DG 501 Jedi Nuba

    The bar should be the focal point of the room. The best spot would be in front of the window. But I am not sure it would look right. :confused: One benifit is you can open the window and let all your cigar smoke out. Because you know you and the boys will be lighting up in the man cave. :giggle:
    If it will not look right put the bar where the bookcase is now. That way it is easy access as soon as you walk into the room. :thumb:
    The couch should be on the wall the tread mill is on, centered with the TV. That way the next day you can lay there watching TV with a massive hung over. :rollinglaugh:
    Look for neon signs, they will be awesome all over the walls!
  10. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I put a wet bar in my rec room. I'll take a couple pics when I get home tonight. It's not finished, and I sort of pieced things together (corian prep area, granite bar top) since I get a deal on inventory things at my work, but I think it turned out okay so far. I still have to do lighting and painting.

    I'm guessing on your room dimensions, but I'm going to say 12.75 feet by 17.5 feet (I estimated your floor tile size as 8", and did the math counting the tiles)

    My idea for you is to make the "front" bar come out perpendicular to the door wall, so you can have a place to stand behind and pour drinks. If you give me dimensions, I can put something more detailed together for you if you like. Anyways, my idea about building the front bar would look like this:

    Attached Files:

  11. DG 501

    DG 501 Jedi Nuba

    :worship: Dang pektel that is awesome!!!!
    I would suggest swivel chair so the can turn and watch TV. Make sure they have backs too, so the drunks don't fall off :drinking: Heck even arms on the chairs would be smart! :rollinglaugh:
    Very nice Pektel!!!!!! That is awesome that you are helping him like that!
  12. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Liked the idea!! Could you try to turn it, so the front will be facing the windows?

    The room is about 6.5 m long and 4.5m wide.

    I would love if you made some more detailed :D
  13. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Like this? Also, get me dimensions on the doors, and what furniture you plan on putting in there. I could make a perspective like you are looking straight down on the room. Then you can print it off, cut out the furniture pieces, and move little pieces of paper instead of the furniture over and over until you find out what works!

    Attached Files:

  14. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    What software is that pektel?
  15. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    20-20 Design. I'm a kitchen designer by trade, and am using my available resources at my work desk :D
  16. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    What about running the cabinets and bar top perpendicular to the path of the doorway? That way when people are sitting or the bar stools aren't tucked in, it won't block the path of the doorway. Nice sketches though Pete. I take it that's software from work?

    Edit: Didn't see the rest of the posts. Good call.
  17. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Awesome job on the design Pektel! That room will be the dogs danglies when its done. Just get rid of the chairs and give them stools. Half the fun of a bar is getting your friends loaded and watching them fall off! LOL
  18. DG 501

    DG 501 Jedi Nuba

    Awesome! Ketil don't forget the little refrigerator! ohhh.... and put the tracks on the bottom of the center cabinets and have your glasses hanging upside down.
    WOW Pektel... that looks great! :thumb:
  19. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Funiture in :D

  20. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Furniture looks good pirex :thumb: The colour looks good.

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