other Menz products

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Misha, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    i wonder how are your wheel cleaner products and shampoo products are compared to chemical guys or similar companies. whats so special about them?
    i have full line of menz polishes (i think thats all of them according to chart except for po85u)
    Menzerna Power Gloss S34A
    Menzerna Power Finish PO203S
    Menzerna Super Intensive Polish PO83
    Menzerna Intensive Polish PO91E
    Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60
    Menzerna Final Glaze PO115
    Menzerna Final Finish PO85RD
    Menzerna Super Finish PO106FA
    Menzerna FMJ Full Molecular Jack Paint Sealant

    and wonder about others
  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  3. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    I wonder about wheel gel 7.5. Too bad Phil doesn't carry it
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I think he doesn't carry it due to lack of demand for it. Can't blame him really.
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    i cant blame him either. i think when i asked him that he said that its not professional line and thats why he doesnt have it?
  6. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I have tried all the products you mentioned and they all work well. The one step Acrylic Jacket is I believe 60% FMJ and 40% 106FF. It does work well but as is the case with most AIOs, durability is lacking. The Auto Shampoo is nice, no better and no worse than most offerings available. The Tire and Wheel Gel does work, but I think products like AG Custom Wheel Cleaner, GI Wheel Gel and P21S do a better job on wheels that are quite dirty. I'd use it on wheels that are maintained that are in reasonable condition. All in all not a bad product. The High Gloss Acylic Shield is fanatastic. I did a test on a clients car to see how much durability it would actually add. I applied two coats of FMJ originally. I washed the clients car once a month, and after each wash I applied the HGAS to all panels except the roof for comparison. At four months, the roof beading was beginning to wane but the rest of the car looked great. At 6 months, the roof, although still beading ( size of a quarter) the rest of the car was beading like I just applied the FMJ yesterday. When I foamed the car, the foam wouldn't stick. It was sliding off entire panels. FMJ gets a bad rap for durability, but imho, its user error as I've never gotten less than 3-4 months out of 2 coats. The only reason I don't carry it is because I carry Blackfire which is VERY similar and a more complete line.
  7. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    What do you think is the major user error in FMJ that is getting lower durability? Would it be surface prep is not done properly or something else?
  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I really couldn't tell you why. Could even be the soap they are using. This clients car is garage kept, washed once a month using one of the soaps I carry and sealed 2x yearly. I tried it on a clients Expedition as well. Garage kept and washed every two weeks and got 4 months out of it as well.
  9. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    ill probably be switching to collonite 845 as sealant, durability is better and i dont see shine difference
    i actualy applied 845 on one side of my moms car and FJM on the other so gona see results

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