I vaguely remember reading that nuba is better on some paints and sealants are better on others. Which makes metallic look better? Which makes solid colors look better? Trying to see what products to use on a white Jag and a metallic dark gray Acura.
Or better yet, a hybrid wax such as Glanz, 845, or AutoGlym HD. Those make flake paint jobs turn out great.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have a lot of products, I was just trying to remember the general rule (if such exists).
I remember reading sealants are better for metallic's bc they don't mute the flake and nubas better for solids bc of more depth and gloss, or something like that.
Is it the sealant or wax that makes metallic pop or is it all in the polishing? Could it be that one wax or sealant mutes the clear coat therefore making the flakes less noticeable? And another makes the clear shine clear, allowing the flakes to pop.
Metallic is not part of the top coat, so it is not affected by wax or polishing. Only the clear coat is. You may get the impression that it is dulled down with a wax that doesn't breath as much depth and clarity to the clear, but other than that, it's all in your head. Go for durability and choose the best one to give you that nice shine.
Thanks - that's what I was thinking but just remember if that was the way it was. Makes sense to me but has anybody experienced this in practice?
Most nubas will cause the metallics in paint to be less reflective, regardless of what causes it to happen. Sealants leave a glossier finish giving the illusion that the metallics are "popping". As suggested, some waxes like AG Hi Def have polymers ( what gives sealants their shine ) and work well on metallic paints as well.
I have seen carnauba waxes actually take away the reflection intensity, while sealants like Blackfire, Menzerna Powerlock, Einzett Glanz Wax, which all have some mixture of oil and water, and other stuff, seem to intensify the paint so that the metallics are clearer or look like they were closer to the top of the paint. I remember a couple years ago, I Detailed a fairly new Acura MDX beautiful metallic gray, using only Optimum Hyper Polish; think I used just L/C white pads with my Rotary, and the the clarity I got made the metallic flakes look like they were on top of the paint and that you could touch them. I also should have included Collinite 845 Insulator Wax which has outstanding gloss, and super durability as well.. Dan F
I noticed when i use a sealant like Jetseal 109 or Wolfgang DGPS (version 2.0 and 3.0) on my metallic red paint, that the flake pops more. when i use a True Nuba like CG Ezyme or Pinnacle SSII (both 2 of my favorite waxes for my car) I get a much deeper, wetter look that I enjoy more. Yes, it hides the flake a little, but i think the paint looks more appealing to the eyes IMO.
^^^^^ X2. My Jeep is a metallic silver and I use a variety of LSP to switch it up. Some products really make the flake(what little there is on Jeep paint LOL) pop and others give the silver a deeper look. Customers aside,when I have time to work on my vehicle I simply just like using the paste carnuba wax over the sprays or liquid.