copied this from v6performance forum. somehow i doubt it came from, didnt even found this stuff on there try reading without wanting to kill something. was this person drunk when he wrote this?
While my preferences would lean towards some other product choices (like Menz polishes, CG, Dodo, etc.), most of the tips are pretty much correct - if a bit "superficial" in their descriptions. I don't see any "whoa, he must be on crack" comments - am I missing something? :shrug: EDIT: okay, the "oils soaking in" stuff is technically wrong, assuming we're talking about modern CC'd paint. And, of course hand polishing isn't ideal... but not everyone has a machine. In essence, I guess I'd say that this is a pretty decent outline, for someone who's detailing by hand and with OTC products.
At least he's better than this guy YouTube - How to Clean and Detail a Car : How to Wax a Car If you wax in the sun, it cracks the paint.
^ i love how he cut a slit into the side of the bottle to dispense the wax, and hes using a napkin to apply it. gotta love the hacks
Heres another 1 from expertvillage on how to buff a car with an orbital. YouTube - How to Buff a Car : How to Apply Buffer Polish to a Surface Guy looks stoned.
As usual, some correct info with some interesting letting polishing oils soak in. Clearly, he is a Meg's user.
Next video: How to properly extract liquid wax from a bottle. And remember, STAY AWAY FROM PLASTIC !!!! Go Jose !
dude, this is ridiculous! I think I can train a monkey to do it better then him! If you noticed, he had a hole or a crack at a side of the bottle, so he just sqeezed it from there!:yikes: and used an old rag...:yikes: