NIkon D3000

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by AG74683, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. AG74683

    AG74683 Virgin Detailer

  2. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    looks like a pretty good deal to me
  3. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    thats a nice deal.
  4. MikeyC

    MikeyC Two Bucket System Washer

    That's a good deal.

    The only thing I would say is that the camera bag is a bit small. I just got my D3000 and I'm already lugging around 3 lenses, the camera, a couple extra filters, and the battery charger. I'm not sure all that would fit in there.

    All-in-all the D3000 is a very good entry level DSLR. I've really enjoyed using it so far. After I bought it I did read a few negative reviews on-line for the camera, but the negatives cited seemed more relative to a professional photographer. They weren't things I would ever notice.
  5. mongrelcat

    mongrelcat Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Just a counter-point, Nikon D3000

    You can get a D40 with the lens below for ~$40 more than the D3000 with kit lens alone. That's what I would do. In fact that's what I did. But this was before the D3000 or 5000 was available.

    Nikon 35mm f/1.8

    Here's the kenrockwell D40 review: Nikon D40

    I got mine from Adorama, full retail w/ warranty card, etc. No worries. To do it over again I would probably buy used off of You can even find deals there with unused warranty cards/provided receipts. As with any deal online from f/m, eBay or similar, YMMV, keep the feedback rating in mind, etc.

    Buy & Sell - FM Forums

    Check youtube for reviews as well. Good luck.
  6. mongrelcat

    mongrelcat Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    BTW, I don't mean to knock the D3000 as a choice. I'm sure you'll be happy with it if you go that route. Also, by my previous post I didn't realize just how good the deal was in the OP's link, that's a lot of gear for $500.

  7. richy

    richy Guest

    i bought this one from a fellow DB member and absolutely love it. I bought the Nikon 55-200 zoom as well and it's a great kit. This camera will last me for years. Unless you are some huge photography nut who needs to control every little aspect, this camera will do you fine. You can control ISO, shutter speed and aperature..what more do you need?
  8. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    not a bad entry level one, considering its price and everything, hard to beat man!
  9. MikeyC

    MikeyC Two Bucket System Washer

    Ken Rockwell has some kind of SERIOUS hard on for the D40. He seems to think it's just about the best DSLR out there short of what you would need for pro photography. Every review you read on that site goes like this: "The ABC123 is a good camera, but for my money I would just buy a D40."

    I read his review and freaked out. I almost returned the camera, but reading closely I thought to myself that none of Ken's complaints would be noticeable by me at least the way I plan on using the camera.

    Also, I'll just throw this out there. My friend has a D40 and I was messing around with it. I find the D3000 menu system more friendly and the camera in general easier to use. The guided mode is a waste but overall the D3000 is easier to understand and use IMO.
  10. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    Yes, read his reviews in detail. It is far from perfect...he knows how to make adjustments that most do not..color balance, exposure compensation, etc. He thinks raw is a waste, etc.
  11. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    d3000 also has 720p video iirc
  12. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I read his reviews etc as well and the point he is trying to make is that, if you take the time to learn to use even a less expensive camera to its potential then there really is no need to spend a lot of money on an expensive body if you are just going to shoot in auto anyway. Anyone here will tell you the same thing. Spend your money on lenses, not on the body.
  13. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Now to throw a spanner in the works....

    Nikon or Canon?

    I have my SX10IS superzoom but want to upgrade to a fully fledged SLR soon. Both the Nikon and Canon models appear to be good choices but I am curious as to which you guys rate more highly and why :thumb:
  14. richy

    richy Guest

    Carn..I think that's like choosing between a blond or brunette supermodel. Both are gorgeous and will do the same thing. I think the lenses are comparatively priced too. It'll be like choosing between 85rd and superfina...both are great but slightly different.
  15. AG74683

    AG74683 Virgin Detailer

    so I ended up getting a job over this Christmas break...making 11 bucks an hour right now which is gonna put me way ahead to getting this D3000. I figured Id have to put out 250 of my own money to get it...

    Anyways, what other lenses do you recommend to get with this? Saw they have a 200mm zoom for it...
  16. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    35mm 1.8 prime is great for a budget lens
    50mm is too long for crop sensors
    telephoto i recommend an 85 prime for that

    for zoom, the absolute best lens is the 17-55mm. on a budget, the 17-50mm tamron lens will be about the same. the nikon 17-55mm is an upgrade in overall quality though.

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