My Neighbor is Insane.......

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by JoeyZ, May 3, 2010.

  1. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    So my neighbor thinks Im a nut job because i am constantly washing and waxing my car, at all times of day/night and even in the middle of winter. So she tells me that I make her feel guilty for never washing her car. Next thing I know I see her outside this past weekend with a roll of paper towels and glass plus. I think nothing of it... and assumed she was going to clean her windows. I come back out 15 minutes later and she is cleaning her rims (6 months of brake dust build up) with glass plus and paper towels. She then proceeds to wipe the entire car (2008 MB E320) with Glass Plus and Bounty Paper towels. I felt so bad I offered to wash it for her since I had the foam canon out. She declined and said she was almost done and thought her cleaning "would do" for now.

    I could hear the clear coat crying from my driveway.

  2. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    if shes going to use paper towels at least tell her to buy Viva brand there much softer:yikes:. dont worry about ur neighbor. my neighbors think im nutts too im sure .infact most people in the area know my truck as its always clean..but i couldnt care less if anyone thinks im crazy about cleaning it.doesnt bother me at all. its what i like to do ..
  3. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    i have one better I have seen a man wash his entire filthy car with a gas station squeegee, making sure to squeegee it off real good before he was done
  4. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    trust me ive seen it all.. i love it in the winter when peoplehave snow on there nice new bmw jag ect. they take there outside broom and sweep all the nice paint work with a nice stiff nylon brissel broom:yikes:. in fact my brother inlaw did that to his truck last winter when i was there . and when he was done he said here do urs why i have it out. and i waslike nooooo.. and he was like why??? i didnt feel like telling him ...
  5. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

    this is why most people will say negative comments or be jealous (it makes them look or feel lazy), because we take care of our vehicles and they are always looking there best. if it were the other way around where there's were taken care of frequently, i'm sure they wouldn't be complaining...
  6. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    good god. paper towels on a car? that is a huge no no. Please tell me it wasn't black LoL.
  7. LuDawg

    LuDawg Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    When I purchased my first car I had a sweet old lady tell me "Your going to wash the paint off that car you wash it so much!" jokingly every time I washed my car. I would just :nod: and laugh back at her. She passed away last year and I always will remember that. RIP Claire :)

  8. Chineseguy

    Chineseguy Birth of a Detailer

    It's not too long since I started this detailing addiction. At first they see me washing my cars three times a week, they looked at me with this weird look. Just when I kinda got used to the weird stares and cars slowing down to see wtf I'm actually doing, this old lady stopped in front of my driveway and literally laughed out loud for 1 whole minute (start counting up to 60 now and you'll know how long that was). I'm not sure if it was because of my foam gun or just me washing my cars 24/7.

    Few months have past and now everyone is used to it. My next stage is to get a leaf blower and see if they start to look at me weird again.
  9. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    Yeah...the foam canon always draws some attention. I always like the "its just a car" comments.
  10. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    I know right. For most people aside from buying a house, a car is the biggest investment they'll ever make! It's just a car, and a car is just thousands of dollars!
  11. Tjfrom215

    Tjfrom215 Birth of a Detailer

    Hahahaha glass cleaner and paper towels,
    I can only imagine how it looks now, I get it a lot,
    but I also get the usual, "looks great" or "how many freaking
    cars do you own" and I always laugh and say , its a clients,

    I always wash my car, my neighbors are slowly getting into
    doing there cars, I told them Ide take car of a scratch they have
    on their volvo, they declined, the next day I saw him using some
    shitty compound and sand paper at the same time DRY. now it
    looks ten times worse.

    People are dumb, im proud of how I keep my ride.
  12. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    bounty. i love bounty. Select a size is the shiznit. i like 3 select a size sheets for my normal napkin.

    personally i would have walked back in the house and got the video recorder out. as it would be a much more enjoyable story with video.
  13. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    LOL oh man that was priceless :)
  14. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    Actually, I got a couple of people on my small street to use decent product and clean their car with two bucket washing method. There's hope!
  15. 02CAMSS

    02CAMSS Jedi Nuba

    Don't feel bad mine think I am nuts for always washing my cars
  16. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That's bad.

    Today is saw a "detailer" in my neighborhood polishing a van. He had his Makita laying on the ground with the wool pad halfway on the ground. He took his polish and literally squirted it all over the paint, I couldn't believe it.
  17. hoppy6698

    hoppy6698 Birth of a Detailer

    What I would call "fly-by-night" operations. He probably read a few forums, did one car then figured he could make a quick dollar.

    Sad part is, the owners who hire hacks like this probably don't realize the damage they are paying these hooligans to do.
  18. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    Everyone always thinks I'm nuts for washing my car, my methods and how picky I am about stuff. I had a friend tell me that my car wasn't dirty, the paint was still shiny. And then they tell me that they'd like me to clean their car :D

    I understand that people don't understand why I keep my car nice, but I wish they'd respect it. My friends know not to put their feet on the dashboard or get my car filthy on the inside...but other people are just disrespectful. I got out of school today and some stupid fat girl was leaning on my fender smoking a cigarette. I just sort of glared at her...she wouldn't be able to comprehend why I actually care about my car anyway...even though it's probably worth more than both of her parent's cars put together ('09 GTI). Thankfully she didn't scoot around any and leave any scratches, since the car was dirty. I was still pissed.
  19. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    i once received an email from someone telling me i need to get a life and stop washing my cars

    so i replied, maybe you need to ask your man to start fking you more often, that will take your mind off thinking about me

    no reply
  20. hoppy6698

    hoppy6698 Birth of a Detailer

    I can see I'm rubbing off on a peer at work as well. He has a MB E550, gorgeous black. He finally wants to learn how to maintain his ride as well as mine instead of dumping $300 every season to have some hack take a swat at it.

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