1. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Just picked one of these up from Mr Buffdaddy aka KBM, used it @ SEMA and when Ken Black brought his down to the shop one weekend.......................me likey!!!

  2. SoCal Garage

    SoCal Garage DB Forum Supporter

  3. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    it looks like a real nice machine. It sells for $495 at Kevin's web site.
  4. drew935

    drew935 Auto Salon Works

    Looks cool Bob! What is the link to his website Bunky?
  5. brk4euros

    brk4euros DB Pro Supporter

    will you be using this strictly for sanding?
  6. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    That thing looks sweet!
  7. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    It's buffdaddy.com
  8. SoCal Garage

    SoCal Garage DB Forum Supporter

    911Fanatic, thanks for the US link as you answered my question. There's a page on the sound and it's pretty good. This really matters in the long run if you are using are constantly using tools. Love the fact that's it DC; don't like that it has only a twelve (12) foot cord because it also had a transformer box. Just found out they make a 33' extension cord, creating a total length of 45'.

    CEROS decibel levels webpage

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