Just picked one of these up from Mr Buffdaddy aka KBM, used it @ SEMA and when Ken Black brought his down to the shop one weekend.......................me likey!!!
Interesting, a pneumatic styled DA operated electrically. They state it is very quiet, it that the case? Very professional website: http://www.mirka.com/en/ Well produced head light restoration video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/p42Kt2LJgD8 Mirka appears to be a class-act all the way around.
911Fanatic, thanks for the US link as you answered my question. There's a page on the sound and it's pretty good. This really matters in the long run if you are using are constantly using tools. Love the fact that's it DC; don't like that it has only a twelve (12) foot cord because it also had a transformer box. Just found out they make a 33' extension cord, creating a total length of 45'. CEROS decibel levels webpage