Miracle Detail in Hong Kong - Ferrari 599 detail.

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Paul Dalton aka Miracle, May 7, 2009.

  1. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Hi Guys and Girls,

    Well, after a long 12 hour flight I am here in Hong Kong and after months of planning I can't believe Im here at last!! :thud:

    I had a quick look at the Ferrari 599 tonight (its 22.30 here in HK right now) and its super swirly with loads of buffer trails...


    3 days to complete this and a 1 series BMW if I have time!!

    Only downfall is that its 30c plus in the garage where the 599 is, so should be more than perfect working conditions for the products and car, but I just know its going to be even hotter when I start working in there.

    Anyway, I will load up more pictures as the detail happens.

    I will try and load up the HD clips I got earlier, they really show how bad the car is. Roll on tomorrow!!

    Kind Regards
    Paul Dalton
    Miracle Detail
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Going international huh? Baller. Good luck with the Ferrari that paint doesn't look so good.
  3. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Wow, an honor to be flown out to do a detail for sure!
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Another out of the country detail eh Paul? Can't wait to see how the car looks after you're done with her. :)
  5. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    there was a guy here in the states flown 1300 miles to detail a new Zr1 Vette, still an amazing way to tell someone how much they rescpect your work.
  6. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    HD video exporting now!!
  7. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Last time I checked, only the superwealthy had a place to park their cars, let alone three of them! Nice work Paul, look forward to many more pics. Take some of the surrounding areas as well, always nice to see how and where these people live.

    UK plates on the Ferrari?
  8. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    that silver car next to it must have to come out first, i'm not seeing how you get in and out of the Ferrari
  9. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    The customer has to be super rich if he's having Paul detail it :D
  10. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    No, there HK plates, they just look like UK ones!!

    Here's the view from my hotel room, I will get some more tomorrow when its not dark!


  11. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Amazing view.
  12. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Is there any question that a guy in Hong Kong with three expensive cars parked on a garage who can afford to fly someone to him to detail his cars is rich??

    I can't wait to see the pics!
  13. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Wow what a view. Lucky guy. Buy some of that sealant that DSMS is getting in bulk, the super beading stuff.
  14. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Lol, his son who has organised it all, turned up in a AMG 6.3 litre merc at the airport, he's only 23!! :yikes:
  15. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    Wow, very cool. Looking forward to pictures!
  16. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Sounds like we need many, many pics across the board. THE MORE THE BETTER, I want my PC to CRASH for trying to load them all.

    Let's just say VXRMarc stylee...
  17. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    I will do my best for you all!! But considering I am on my own, it might be a little difficult, as I didn't bring my tripod with me! :(

    I'll get some pictures of his marble flooring though, not seen that in a garage before.
  18. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Marble flooring in a garage, wow! Hmm, maybe I should do that, haha. :thinking:
  19. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    Cars like Ferrari in Hong Kong cost almost twice as much compare to the States.
    So my guess is, they might be able to afford that one!
  20. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    How do you like Hong Kong, Paul?
    I used to live in Hong Kong, and came here for studying.
    There are lots of good food there, Enjoy your Stay!


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