I've done some work for this gentleman in the past. He called on me to try and bring back some life into his wife's GL550. This is quite the "baby mobile" as it's very quick! This Benz had previously had a correction done before by someone else and was coated at that time. After viewing the condition of the paint and doing quite a bit of reading and research on the internet, I came to the conclusion that the defects I was seeing must be in the coating itself. There still wasn't much on the internet about polishing on top of coatings but I felt confident if I went in with a very soft setup and wasn't aggressive at all that good things may happen. I will shut up and let the pictures tell the rest of the story... Foam wash Dried Masked Rupes LHR15ES w/ Rupes green foam pads Menzerna SF4000 Menzerna Powerlock (not sure if it cured on top of the coating but applied it anyway) Inspection found lots of water spotting, swirls, etc. Here goes nothin'... Alright... Polishing finished and ready to pull outside! Thanks for looking!
Thanks guys. I used a brush to clean out the dust as best I could after each pass and also spritz a little bit of quick detailer onto the pad before my next pass. This is what I usually do but I didn't notice any difference with the coating there. I have a real problem with dusting in general. I feel like I dust more than other detailers do. Although I have nothing to compare to as I've never seen anyone else do it in person.