we today i tried to prep car for winter, washed it and put menzerna 115 and then FMJ and tried to do apo 60 on it but didnt get good results, put it only on half of the hood to see difference in beading between FMJ and apo 60. went outside and it was raining and looks like beads are bigger on apo60 part. problem is maybe i did something wrong but waxed part didnt look good. how do you supposed to use it? doesn it have to brake down before you remove it? im noob so please go easy on me. im using maguairs g100(aka PC7424) and used 3m black finishing pads
Im not sure you did anything wrong, I just don't think FMJ is one of those products that likes other things on top of it. I would just stick to FMJ solo.
APO-60 is an all-in-one... so if you put apo on top of something you've nulled the bottom layer, apo has cleaners in it
I think APO60 might make a good 1 step - light abrasive to remove minor imperfections on softer paints, some paint cleaning and wax, and then top it with a durable final layer like a Collinite.
so instead of asking this again i'm pulling this out of the grave. I just want to check that AP060 is 1 step and i dont need to put anything over it for added protection in the winter? also i really really really wish we could search for 3 letter or 2 letter terms. we shouldn't be allowed to use 3 letter acronyms for stuff cause we can't seach for them (IE CG MEZ !Z 060 etc <end rant>
As with most one step cleaner/sealants, the durability will be lacking. I would recommend topping any one step product.
as long as this thread has been revived ill ask here. i thought you can put a nuba on top of FMJ. iv been trying to get a sample of FMJ so i can compare JS109 topped with petes 53 vs FMJ topped with petes 53.
My theory is that if your going to use a one step product why would you top it with anything? The whole point of AIO is so that everything is done in one step. If your going to be topping an AIO why wouldent you just use a light polish like 106FA or 203s instead and then a dedicated sealent/wax and obtain much better results... Thats just my thought :tumbleweed:
so is having apo 60 useless if you have 203, 106, 85? i still have full bottle of apo 60, and dont know if its useless for me or not. maybe using it on my parents cars? lol