Meguiards #38 trim and tire dressing gel

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Misha, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    well i looked up what this thing was for and looked like its about same as 1z pfledge so i just went outside and put it on trunk and driver door. will see how it is in couple days. 1z pfledge on the way wo gona do comparison


    Manufacturer: Meguiar's

    Product: # 38 tire and trim dressing gel (restores and protects

    1. Packaging & Labelling.
    not sure what this is for

    2. Is it well packaged?
    yeah i guess, its in plastic bottle with flip top for easy application

    3. Are the labels durable?
    stick on label and pretty durable

    a) Helpful instructions on label?
    just regular instructions how to apply it. common sence, nothing special

    b) Does product do what the manufacturer claims it does?
    wiil see but from initial testing does what it supposed to

    4. Price / Value. Is the product a good buy?
    about $14 for 32oz if you can find it (discontinued), got it from Roger couple month ago

    5. If a liquid product, how much per ounce?
    its liquid

    6. Does a little go a long way?
    id say for initial use its ok as far as amount needed. just couple beads will do whole door and door frame(2 door seals)

    7. Easy or difficult to use?
    easy to use with small 2"x2" foam applicator

    8. Did you read the directions and use as directed?
    yes but its common sence how to use dressing come on lol

    9. If known, what is the pH of the product?
    no idea

    10. Is it safe for enthusiasts or should it be for professional use only?
    safe for enthusiasts id say, its dressing but possible eye and skin irritant just like any other car care product

    11. Describe the product smell, viscosity and other physical traits if any.
    polish like consistency(gel), cant describe smell but it doesnt smell bad or good, its greish in color

    12. Pros / Cons.
    works pretty good, nice natural finish on rubber, looks like new again and doors dont stick in winter

    discontinued, replacement probably Meguiars #40 Vinyl & Rubber Conditioner. just called my local megs supplier and they still have one quart for $15 so probably gona go pick it up

    14. Overall Rating 1-5
    id give it 5. cheaper then 1z pfledge(which is coming in soon so i can do comparison
  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    glad you like it Mike. Thanks for the review.
  3. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    what did you use it for?
    thinking picking up last bottle at dealer near me. surprised they still have it
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I tried it once on some rubber seals, but that was it.

    seems like a pretty decent product for the price.
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    well so far its holding up. with amount of cold weather we had so far its working great on both cars. i guess ill be picking up more of it next week
  6. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    thanks for the update

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