Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) A material safety data sheet MSDS is for a substance but not primarily intended for use by the general consumer, focusing instead on the hazards of working with the material in an occupational situation. For example, an MSDS for a cleaning solution is not highly pertinent to someone who uses a can of the cleaner once a year, but is extremely important to someone who does this in a confined space for 40 hours a week. The MSDS is required to state the chemical's risks, safety and impact on the environment. An MSDS is a document that contains details of the hazards associated with a particular chemical and provides information regarding its safe use. They are not actual formulations but are primarily used for the safe handling, shipping, storage and disposal of chemicals and usually only list chemical families, not the actual chemical. When accessing MSDS documents, please note that certain data fields will be generic and may or may not reflect the information relevant to the recipient and/or the material / package size (including but not limited to the manufacturer / supplier address) - MSDS Solutions - Free material safety data sheets from 3E Company I can only comment on what the product manufacturer states his product contains (MSDS or product label) and first-hand knowledge of how it performs, otherwise I might be subject to litigation When it comes to product marketing and technical specifications, it is also important to realize that all companies must keep secure their proprietary information and agreements. Without this, no business would have the incentive to develop new products, expand their market, stay competitive, and ultimately - exist.
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I Think this is very important information...I rate It a 4 because of the manufacturer has to state it...:thumb:
I have had problems with one company sending me MSDS sheets. Their response was, "why do you need MSDS Sheets. A wax is a wax, Wheel cleaner is wheel cleaner." I needed the MSDS sheets to be able to do business on the Military Base here. Needless to say, I tossed out the chemicals from that supplier.......