Mark-V Products

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by slanguage, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Well, I have been wanting to try out Mark-V products for a little while now. I was going to order from overseas, but shipping was just insane.

    I did a search, and found they are in the U.S.
    I sent an email last week, asking how I could order and if they had a price list. I got a reply asking where I lived. I replied back the same day. A week later, still no info.

    So yesterday I decided to call. It took a few tries, as the lady apparently wasn't at her desk. I finally got through after 4-5 attempts.

    After all was said and done, i ordered the following Items, and paid with card over the phone. Shipping will be via UPS.

    1-gallon very cherry
    1-32 oz fastwax
    1-8 0z window sheen
    2-8 oz california dressing

    The total after shipping was around $47. Not too bad :shrug:

    I know this might seem a bit of a hassle for some people, but I figured it might help us here in the states for those who want to try their stuff.

    I am still looking for sites in the US that carry their stuff, and will post up links later in the week.

    Hope this comes in handy for someone :thumb:
  2. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Hmm, definitely will give them a shot.
  3. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    This is the first time I've heard of them but there products sound interesting. Thank you for thinking of us...:thumb:
  4. Rubbish Boy

    Rubbish Boy DB Certified Dealer

    Good choice of products there, should have had some Mystique too though. :giggle:

    You're absolutely right, there is no point getting it shipped from outside the US from me or anyone else as it is made in the US and is readily available.
  5. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Too bad we cant get the "better" clay thats made here. Monopoly anyone?
  6. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I actually got the idea to try them out from a post about washing your own car a little while back.

    Figured this order was enough to get my feet wet and see if I like their stuff. If so, I will order from them again, and try the mystique and ideal wheel cleaner!!

  7. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Some body shop supply stores do sell MarkV products..mostly the paint correction items and toppers.....but they may be able to get the detailing items also like shampoo and other items....

    I seen them at the supply place i go to..but never bought any..I have way to much stuff now....but was told it was very good stuff and body shops use a lot of it...a good seller

  8. Rubbish Boy

    Rubbish Boy DB Certified Dealer

    If you just wanted to try a couple of products then these would be my recommendations, just a few products that stand out really:

    Mystique - A one style polish that works amazingly well. Hi-Tech abrasive that isn't really diminishing or non-diminishing. Use with wool for loads of cut, hard foam for polishing, soft foam for finishing. In the same mold as System One but nicer to work with IMO.

    Qwik Kut MV 350 - More traditional abrasive, quite an agressive cut to start with, but it breaks down nicely and still has plenty of work time to allow you to polish and finish down with the residue. On the right paint and in the right hands I'm sure you could get LSP ready with this compound.

    Fast Wax - Bit more than a QD, but not quite a liquid wax. Can be used on a wet car, literally squirt on, wipe to spread, wipe to buff off. Great for quick top ups and suprisingly durable for that type of product.

    I've yet to try one of their products that I don't like.

    This is the thread where Roger saw me using the products, , Fast Wax did a fine job of pepping the paint up.
  9. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    Uno is also a nice compound.
  10. Niyo

    Niyo Virgin Detailer

    We have a shop in Hawaii that stocks most all of there items.

    I have read good things about there seleant. Any opinions? How about tire dressings, wash, etc....... Can they compare to other name brands (wolfgang, Menz, etc...)
  11. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba


    how would you compare say 3M's Fast Cut Plus against Mark V's Mystique ? say assuming using the same grade of pads, like a cutting (LC Orange) and a Light cutting (LC White) ?

    and hows the dusting and working time compared ?
  12. Rubbish Boy

    Rubbish Boy DB Certified Dealer

    Glisten, is an excellent sealant. It can be applied by hand as normal, however it can also be applied by machine. The heat from the polisher will help cure the polymers better and make it more durable, not to mention making it quick to use.

    The products that Roger bought at the top of the thread are all good products, if you check out the thread I linked to where I used some of those products to great effect. What you have to realise though is that these are trade chemicals sold to the motor trade. So they don't have sexy labels and packaging, but they do work and they rely on them working to sell rather than a big marketing budget.
  13. Rubbish Boy

    Rubbish Boy DB Certified Dealer

    Do Fast Cut Plus on a cutting pad and Mysqtique on the same cutting pad have the same cut?

    I would say no they won't have the same level of cut, the Qwik Kut would offer more along that level of cut. The Mystique will have less cut from the abrasive agressiveness but will have a longer work time and will cut for longer, Mystique will cut for a long time. Oh and no dust, it just doesn't make that much mess.
  14. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    Good choice going with the Mark-V. We use "Mostly" Mark-V in our shop. All of their products are very thick and highly dilluteable. The R.E.D. degreaser is very good, so is the wheel brite wheel acid. Qwik Dress is very good also. Window Sheen is one of their best products. Their Leather Treat is very very good also.

  15. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing


    I received my order from Mark-V yesterday. Both 8 oz. bottles of California dressing leaked in shipment (not all that much actually). Caps weren't on all the way, so it got on the bottles and now I can't read the labels. Also, there were no sprayers included.

    I called them this afternoon. Told them about the leaking bottles, and they are sending at least 1 replacement for the dressing. Asked about the sprayers, said it was extra. Said I didn't know that. They are sending a sprayer for my 32 oz fastwax, and at least 1 for my CD.

    Asked about a catalog and price list. They said they do not publicly produce a price list.

    So, all in all, not too bad in my opinion, and at least they are doing an ok job of resolving my issues, which is nice.

  16. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    Do you have to order all products through the telephone? No online distributor?
  17. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    yeah what is the deal with places like that and cg and stuff not sending the damn sprayers... i ordered bottes months ago and when i got them from cg they had no sprayers.. at least i got double sprayers my next shipment but damn what gives..sprayers aren't that costly.i would rather pay a dollar more per product and get a sprayer than see it advertised with a sprayer and be a dollar cheaper and have the great surprise of no sprayer when the package arrives.. who wants to get all excited about a qd or something then get the mail and in the box no sprayer..i know everyone is trying to cut corners and they always will otherwise an extreme premium will be implied but my god a sprayer. cheap bastards
  18. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    cheap bastards - I agree with you 100% on this and that is very poor policy...It's just :crasy:
  19. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Well, I did get them to send me 2 sprayers and e replacement bottle of california dressing, but they still should have told me over the phone.

    I would pay the dollar extra for the sprayer had I known in the first place.

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