Lubricate door hinges and locks before winter

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Sergeant Fancypant, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. Sergeant Fancypant

    Sergeant Fancypant Virgin Detailer

    How often do you guys get ur door panels (hinges/locks) lubricated? I went to this car detail shop to get paint sealant on before winter for $100. The guy there told me to first get rust protection for $100 on door panels before i get paint sealant. I was like how does it make a difference? like why should i get rust protection on door panels before getting paint sealant on the car exterior which is exposed the most. My car is only a year old but my car manual says to get door/hinges lubricated every 4 months.
  2. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Sargeant Fancy Pants - :)
    Sounds like a typical lowball and then up the ante' a whole bunch more before you have a chance to think this out, to me. In all the years I have been Detailing, I have never heard of "rust protection for door panels". You are correct in wondering why you would need this in the first place..
    Perhaps it is time to find another Detailer?

    Depending on where you live, there might be a few really good Detailers on this Forum in your area already. Let us know what part of the country you live in if you want and we can perhaps help.

    Congrats on having such a new car ! What is the make and model? Color ?

    Normally, the factory puts enough lubricant on the door hinges to last a very long time. You can open the door, move it back and forth, and see the grease on the hinges. If they start making noise when you close and open them, then they will need a little lubricant. You are going to be fine.The lubricant that is applied to the moving parts door hinges is normally very hard to remove - ask me how I know. :) And I for one, when detailing out door jambs, try to not remove the grease already on the moving parts, so that it remains there and the Client will not have to worry about replacing it.

    I would not go to a place that is selling me a "sealant" and "rust proofing" for door panels anyway. It sounds so contradictory as you already figured out. There are better solutions out there and this Forum has a lot of great Detailers and Sponsors here that can offer better solutions for you.

    Good luck with this !
    Dan F
  3. Sergeant Fancypant

    Sergeant Fancypant Virgin Detailer

    Its Mazda3. i live in Canada, Alberta, Edmonton.

    Colour: Aluminum Metallic

    So only part of door that require lubricant is hinges? In my car maintaince schedule it says: . to lubricate locks and hinges every 4 months?
  4. Gale Force

    Gale Force Obsessive Detailer

    Congrats on the new car.

    Dan has some solid advice! FWIW they (dealership) usually lubricate your locks and hinges every time you go in for an oil change.
  5. Sergeant Fancypant

    Sergeant Fancypant Virgin Detailer

    Sadly my dealership dont- iasked them :(
  6. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    If its a mazda 3, rustproof the snot out of that thing, and install a rust module.
  7. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    There are some great Detailers from Canada that are members here, hopefully one in your area will see this and chime in.

    Probably in the winter, where you live, it would be good to lube your door locks to keep them from freezing up. I would worry more about getting some gummi pflege on all your rubber door seals, so they dont freeze together and tear when you open the doors. The best thing that will help your car live longer is to keep it inside a garage whenever possible.

    I spent 1 year in temps that got as cold as -84 degrees below 0, and cant remember having to worry about lubricating door hinges on the Dodge Power Wagons we drove around to get to work... It was so cold there that when the temp got all the way up to 0 degrees, we went outside in shorts and Tshirts because it was so hot. :) But I digress.. sorry... :)

    Believe Bryan who just posted above is also from Canada and he is saying to rustproof the car and install a rust module... Bryan, please elaborate?

    Dan F
  8. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    I'll elaborate for him. On THIS side of the country Bryan is king of the Mazda 3, I believe he is probably detailed the most out of anybody in the GTA. Over here people are crazy scared that there MZ3 will start rusting because they do quite ofter if not protected properly. There paint is also quite thin and soft which makes for a pretty dangerous cocktail for the poor MZ3. If you want to do it properly, get someone in your area to rust proof the car, and put 845 on the paint also install that rust module. Next spring get someone to correct the car or spend enough time on this forum and learn yourself. Then 3M Venture shield the whole nose of the car, then opti coat it. And if your feeling extra protective, spray Permanon Platinum every 6 months, this will give Rust, Sand, Salt and even Oprah or Godzilla a run for there money. Expensive but it's the most protective way I can think of it. I also think you should rust proof every two years, your car will stay minter then Mentos!
  9. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    great discussion ... do rust modules actually work? I almost bought one when I used to live in the midwest, but I always thought they were just another gimmick.
  10. Sergeant Fancypant

    Sergeant Fancypant Virgin Detailer

    I heard new gen mazda dont rust like old gen. i have 2010

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