2011 Kick Start Workout Guide - http://www.acefitness.org/article/3...umer+Outreach&CMP=EMC-HET_1210QuickStartGuide
I'm amping up my workouts for 2011, P90X in the morning and gym at lunch during work for cardio and free weights. Goal is to be 10 pounds lighter and benching 315 with good form by May like I used to. Good luck to everyone else and their fitness goals!
Damn dude, benching 315 is ridiculous. How do you like the P90X? I am totally skeptical about all that infomercial TV exercise equipment but have only heard good things on P90X.
I don't do bench for the macho-ness, I just simply enjoy the type of workout that it is, and is so no measure of my strength because there are so many other workouts that test overall strength. As far as P90X goes, I simply love it. I played college football for a bit and I thought I had some intense workouts with that but P90X rivals it for the type of results it aims for. If you are a power-lifter and looking for mass then it is no where near the right workout. However, if you are looking for physique, core strength, and muscle conditioning then it is great. I love it and found that I got results quicker than any other routine I did that was geared towards those results. It's always changing which I like. But it comes down to preference, some people hate it and find it innefective, just depends on what your goals are.
Hard to argue with the results of P90X, the guy who started it at 50 plus years old can do 35 pull ups/100 push ups ect........... I do not care who you are but that is impressive at any age. I like to do the weights as well, but bench was never what I focused on except in my thirties I did get up to low 400LB for one maybe two reps if I felt really strong. If I want to really get tired I will do bag work(punching & kicking) and six count push ups with no rest for two minutes, then one minute rest for another two and repeat one more time which is all I can do due to oldness, bench now is three plates max if I am lucky(315) although squat is getting better as my knee improves over time since surgery on right one. Workouts are now so I can still keep working strong in the biz even when most stop doing this kind of work (detailing) due to age. Chas, kudos for sticking to the program whatever that might be.
I am back at the gym for the first time in years. My focus is mostly on cardio and legs as I am preparing for my ride to Conquer Cancer. I have also altered my diet to include mostly fresh fruit and veggies as well as no starches past 3pm.