isla wash +++ C2 VTS ... 12 hours

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by isla, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. isla

    isla Virgin Detailer

    hi ,


    valentin car's , less than 12 hours for a hand wash , no correction

    VP SF PHN , HP , Gilmour
    CW'G , Mini sheep
    ONR , LT , Polyclay
    DC1 , DC2 , 05990
    CL68 AIO , BHAB , Z2 , ZFX
    PB NBW
    APC , SD .
    more stuff ...

    this is 3 day of sea salt
    the car is park in front of.



    take time to blast rest of nano...
    good red ..






    Edit :
    c'est encore un produit de val sur les rétros , il seront juste scellé ;)

    50/50 ext aile arrière / int porte (porte semi ouverte photo entière ... tronqué )​

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