How cold can it go?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by piginapoke, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    What is the lowest recomended temprature that HartGlans Wax can be applied?
  2. MtnRyder

    MtnRyder Virgin Detailer

    Most waxes do not cure well below 45 degrees F:shakehead:
  3. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    This is what I have always been told, although on detailers domain they list the temp of 0. This actually was the reason i purchased the Glanzwax so that I could apply it this winter. I was hoping for confirmation from the manufacturer.
  4. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    Meanwhille back at the ranch....
  5. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    LOL that's a good one
  6. Michael @ einszett

    Michael @ einszett DB Certified Manufacturer

    0° Celcius. So that would be 32°F.

    Just plan on a longer cure time. Obviously the warmer it is, the better.

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