Handz Detailed: SN95 + Eyzme + Phototshoot

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Handz, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    So, since it's 2010 I need to do my first paint correction of the year on my SN95. Came out really nice. Finally Got to try out my pot of CG Ezyme Wax. OMG!!! The depth is just amazing. It make my metallic paint POP and doesnt mute the flake.

    I was so happy with the Ezyme, I decided to go to Downtown Los Angeles again and take some "Ghetto" pics. I pretty much drove around the worst parts of LA, Encountered Bums, crackheads, and police... But got the pics!!! Enjoy!!!

    Here is the detail combo...

    Menzerna SIP/Orange LC CCS Pad
    Menzerna 106FF/Black LC CCS Pad
    3M Ultrafine/Black LC CCS Pad
    1Z Einszett Pro Line Final Finish/CCS Red Pad
    CG Vertua-Bond 408
    CG Jetseal109 (2 Coats)
    CG E-zyme (3 Coats)

    CG Jetseal 109
    Autoglym HD Wax

    CG Silk-shine
    3M Metal Polish
    Eagle-One Tire Shine
    Invisible Glass

    I spent THE WHOLE DAY in LA taking pics, so you can really see the color change in the Laser Red Paint across the day.














  2. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Looks great man!!!! Makes me think of my old SN95. That was such a great car.

    Thats a great color!!!!!! Love the Cobra wheels. I'm still kinda partial to CobraR's.

    Last shot it sweet!!!!I wonder what it would look like with the manhole looking thing out of it though.
  3. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    wow. the photos came out great man. What camera and lens are you using? Any post processing . . . . . . and lastly . . . . any tips for getting such crisp photos? Been dying to get some shots like that that are just crisp like yours.

    Shooting with a D60 right now and the kit 18-55 lens.
  4. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    I am shooting with a Canon XTI w/ 17-85 IS Lens.

    The secret is all about shooting in RAW and the post processing.
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Great pics Handz!!
  6. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Handz...WOW the car looks awesome.

    II will be putting some Ezyme on my red 300zx this spring. I can't wait to give it a try. Is it a WOWO or did you let it haze?
  7. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Ah hah . . . . . so the pictures arn't straight out of the camera then . . . they do have some post processing going on.

    What program are you using for post processing your RAW files?
  8. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Well, If you shoot in RAW then you Must post-process. Thats the only way to utilize the full capability of the Pixels the camera can record. RAW just records everything and lets you deal with it later, JPEG straight from the camera losses pixels because its trying to determine what needs to stay and what needs to go.

    I am using CS4 RAW for my processing

    Hope that was helpfull :giggle:
  9. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    looks wet as hell. #9 and #11 are my favorite pics.
  10. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Just for the Record, The car was washed with CG Glossworks before the shoot.
  11. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    hah. nice. might have to try that. Hopefully when you have a little more time you can toss up some tips.

    I have tried Nikon Capture NX2 but never really fully looked into it and what it was all about. I just toyed with nit real quick. I believe you can use Photoshop as well for RAW files.

    Wouldn't even personally know where to begin changing things around to get the good effects and clarity.
  12. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Just watch some videos and play around. Thats how I learned :)
  13. corvus.corax

    corvus.corax Virgin Detailer

    Like I said before, one of the most beautiful stangs I've seen, indeed. Great pics man!
  14. D By Dustin

    D By Dustin Virgin Detailer

    Very Nice! Great Photos! CG makes some amazing products! Ive been wanting to try Eyzme out for a while but its pretty high haha
  15. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    #12 is my fav! Good looking car man!

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